The science of being nice.

I encounter all kinds of different people in my daily life.

Big people, small people, angry people, friendly people, confident people, nervous people, outgoing people, talkative people..... but there are two kinds of people that really stand out.

These people tend to live very different lives.

I'm talking about Nice people and Mean people.


When you first meet someone, whether it's a server in a restaurant, a co-worker, or simply a new acquaintance, you can generally get an impression of what they're going to be like.

I see people interact all day long, and even though I hate to make surface judgments, it's pretty easy to tell who's nice and who's not nice.

Nice people have much easier lives.

Let's take a theoretical situation involving a man named Tom and a man named Steve.

Tom goes to work everyday and greets his coworkers.

"Hey guys! How is everyone!" he asks.

Everyone is happy to see Tom. Tom is a nice guy.

Tom likes everyone and everyone likes Tom.

When people go out to lunch they make sure to invite Tom.

When someone goes out to pick up a bunch of coffee for everyone they tend to ask....

"Hey don't you think Tom might want a coffee?"

Tom is in people's thoughts beause Tom is a nice person.

Tom respects people and in return he is respected.


Now let's take a look at Steve.

Steve goes to work everyday and greets his coworkers, just like Tom does.

"What's up."

Steve doesn't make eye contact. He really doesn't want to be at work. He makes it clear that he's not happy being around people.

Everyone is uncomfortable to see Steve. Steve is mean and everyone knows it.

If he could be somewhere else Steve would immediately leave. He's only at work because he has to be there. He doesn't want to actually talk to anyone.

No one invites Steve to lunch.

Steve sees other people laughing and drinking coffee together and he wonders where they got it. No one asked him if he wanted any.

He yells at people when they make a mistake at work.

He frowns at people when they walk by.

Steve disrespects people and no one wants to be around him.


Being nice isn't just a trait...... it's a skill and everyone should learn it!

Human beings are social creatures that live together in a community.

Sometimes each of us is in a bad mood. We get angry, scared, sad, nervous...... we can often be easily controlled by whatever emotion is happening in that moment.

It's important not to let whatever negative emotion is currently going on with you affect how you interact with other people.

A nice person might find themselves without a place to stay for the night....... but it wouldn't be too hard for them to find a friend that would let them stay at their house.

A mean person might find themselves in a similar situation and they would simply be in a boat without a paddle.

Friends make the world go round.

When you treat people the right way they will treat you the right way back.

There are all kinds of people in the world.

If you're nice person it means you've learned how to survive in a way that mean people haven't figured out yet.

I wish everyone was nice. Sometimes I feel that the world is heading in a bad direction.

Other days I encounter someone nice every time I turn around.

Nice people live better lives.

That much I can assure you.

I hope that you've been nice to someone today.

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