Depression status 抑郁症状态


Depression is a disorder that causes one of the greatest conflicts in many people's brains, occurs in women, men, elders, or even children; The factors that cause it can be biological, psychological or environmental; It can last for days, months, or years, depending on the situation or problem you are going through.

Most of us have gone through a situation of great sadness, which is normal up to a certain point, but when it is reached to prolong longer and not surpassed, is there when we say it is a depression, because it comes to cause a serious problem.

抑郁症是导致许多人大脑中最大的冲突之一的紊乱, 发生在妇女、男人、长辈甚至儿童身上;导致它的因素可能是生物、心理或环境;它可以持续数天、数月或数年, 这取决于您所经历的情况或问题。

我们大多数人都经历过一种非常悲伤的情况, 这是正常的到某一点, 但当它达到延长和不超过, 当我们说这是一个抑郁症, 因为它带来了一个严重的问题。

Depression is not merely anguish, it is also a great melancholy or permanent sadness; Which leads us to feel useless, hopeless or not wanting to live, the latter is what causes many people to get to suicide or want to try.

There are many and varied reasons why most people can fall into depression, for example, when a dear friend or relative dies, when they end a love affair, marriage or losing a very important job.


Some symptoms that identify with depression are: having long periods of sadness, anxiety, negative thoughts, sleep disturbances (insomnia or sleeping too much) eating disorders (lack of appetite or excessive eating), various pains in The whole body.

抑郁症不仅是痛苦, 它也是一个伟大的忧郁或永久的悲伤;这使我们感到无用, 无望或不希望生活, 后者是什么导致许多人自杀或想尝试。

有很多不同的原因, 为什么大多数人会陷入抑郁症, 例如, 当一个亲爱的朋友或亲属死亡, 当他们结束了恋情, 婚姻或失去一个非常重要的工作。

抑郁症的一些症状是: 有长时间的悲伤, 焦虑, 消极的想法, 睡眠紊乱 (失眠或睡眠过多) 饮食失调 (缺乏食欲或过量进食), 全身的各种疼痛。

Symptoms of depression 

  1. fatigue
  2. In children depression problems can manifest when they have irritability, great attachment, do not want to go to school, weight loss and a lot of sadness.
  3. Postpartum depression
  4. Family history, although they can also present it without
  5. Adolescent symptoms include long periods of sadness, great irritability, feeling negative, useless and misunderstood self-harm, excessively sensitive, losing interest in participating in various activities, excessive sleep and loss or Weight gain.
  6. Not wanting to leave home or participate in physical activities
  7. Memory Problems
  8. Loss of appetite
  9. premenstrual disorder
  10. Stress
  11.  Menopause

Some illnesses such as diabetes, stroke, thyroid problems, Parkinson's disease, eating disorders, cohabit with depression, so it is more difficult to treat both, generating in people who suffer from many problems.

When depression is mild or moderate, psychological therapies should be taken, but when more severe cases are present, medication and therapy are required, which only one specialist will be indicated to give the treatment.

一些疾病, 如糖尿病, 中风, 甲状腺问题, 帕金森病, 饮食失调, 与抑郁症同居, 所以它是更难以治疗, 产生的人谁患有许多问题。

当抑郁症是温和的或适度的, 应该采取心理治疗, 但当更严重的病例存在时, 需要药物和治疗, 只有一个专家将被表明给予治疗。

The psychological and pharmacological help greatly help, but none of this will work if we do not change our attitude, we should try to be positive in believing that we are capable and if we can get out of the depression, accepting the help of family and friends makes us easier This process, because there is nothing better than being accompanied by people who love uAnother very important point that we must do is to modify our health, starting with eating habits, eating as healthy as possible will make us improve greatly, because a bad diet generates negative changes in our body, and in turn contributes To increase the depression.

Currently, depression even in very severe cases can be met, as long as you go with the specialist to receive the appropriate treatment and medication for this condition.

另一个非常重要的一点, 我们必须做的是改变我们的健康, 从饮食习惯开始, 吃尽可能健康将使我们大大提高, 因为不良的饮食会产生负面的变化, 我们的身体, 反过来也有助于增加抑郁症。

目前, 抑郁症即使在非常严重的情况下可以满足, 只要你去与专家接受适当的治疗和药物的这种情况。


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