Thrilling Dreams and their Influence on Man Part #1

Thrilling Dreams and their Influence on Man

Astrology tells that people have their births as influenced by heavenly planets. If you are born under any of the zodiacal signs, you will find your character analysis bring out one’s tendencies and inclinations. Astrology or Horoscope tells about himself as a person. When we know his good and bad personality, he can correct and do his best to overcome them. Enjoy reading and doing your character analysis.


Dreams have often brought perplexity to some. They wonder if their dreams have something to do with their everyday life. They wonder if dreams send messages or not.
In an effort to give light to dreams, I have gathered materials on the subject. I have injured of old folks, on their superstitions regarding dreams. I have contacted even Jueteng collectors who can without much difficulty connect dreams with numerical equivalents.

Dreams need only interpretations in order to be understood. Wrong interpretation would mean losing the flavor of the dream. Careful and deliberate analysis of the dream might throw some light on the dreamer’s life.

If and when this short piece can be of help to the dreamer, the mission of this compilation would have been achieved.
Let us know more about our wonderful dreams. You have dreams. If we understand our dreams, they may be of great help in our everyday life. Dreams are sources of wonderful ideas.

Abacus - If you dream using an abacus, it is a sign that those cheating you will fail; an abacus lying idle means that you are indifferent to the gossips of the world.


Abdication - If you dream of a monarch abdicating the throne, it indicates that you will not accept a bribe which will be offered you in a few weeks.


Warning: The next picture is strong disturbing graphical content.

Abortion - Dreaming of an abortion means that you gave given money for charitable purposes.


Absent Person - To dream of an absent person means pleasant news will come in a day or two.

Absent Person

Abstention - Dreaming of refusing to drink wine means good health for the dreamer.


Abundance - This dream foretells poverty, and you ought to save money beginning today.


Abyss - Dreaming of an abyss signifies that the dreamer has secret enemies who smile at him every day.


Academy - To dream an academy means promotion in rank and salary.


Accident - Dreams of accidents are warnings that you should be careful in handling knives and explosives.


Acclamation - This dream indicates that your popularity will increase rapidly.


Accordion - Hearing an accordion in a dream means disappointment; playing it yourself means success in business management; if out of tune, it means domestic quarrel.


Accountant - Promotion in store for you if you dream of an accountant; if you are an accountant it means prestige and honor in the business world.


Accusation - If you dream that you are being accused is careful of false friends or false pretenders; if you are the accuser, it means that there is jealousy between you and your loved one.


Ace - Dreaming of an ace in card games means that you will soon lose money, but you will gain social success; if you dream of an ace in war, as in an airplane, it means high honor will be yours.

Ace of Spade

Ache - Dreaming of toothache means that you will receive a letter within a day or two; earache means success in your present plan: stomach ache means that a beggar will knock at your door.


Ear Ache

Stomach Ache

Acid - Dreaming of acid means money difficulty; tasting acid means bitter quarrel.


Acolyte - Seeing an acolyte means that someone is willing to help you; if you are an acolyte, you have the moral the support of your friends.


Acorn - Dreaming of an acorn means you will win a price in a contest.


Acquittal - Dreaming of acquittal in court means rapid intellectual and economic progress for the dreamer.


Acrobat - Successful acrobats in a dream mean good luck; unsuccessful ones mean embarrassment.


Actor - Your tendency is to buy things for luxury if you dream that you are an actor; to see an actor in a dream means happiness and prosperity.


Adage - Dreams of an adage mean that you feel witty in the face of boys and girls younger than yourself.


Adam’s apple - This is a warning that you should not accept the first invitation which you will receive today.

Adam’s Apple

Advertisement - Reading an advertisement means that you are very popular with the opposite sex; writing advertisement in a dream means that you will answer plenty of love letters.


Advice - If your parents are advising you in a dream, it means success in social gatherings; if other people are advising you it means that you should be careful in making a mark.


Affidavit - Signing an affidavit in a dream means that you are able to retain the confidence of your friends; seeing an affidavit signifies that you will receive a telegram.


Age - Dreaming of an aged man means dejection; you should cheer up; if you dream that you are very old it means that you are growing younger and more beautiful.


Agency - Dreaming of an agency is a sign that you are being flattered by your friends.


Agent - if you dream that you are an agent, it means that you are imitating the example of a national leader; seeing an agent who sells you something means that your writing is being considered for publication.


Airplane - riding in an airplane in a dream means that you are growing heavier; seeing an airplane zooming in the sky means a happy event.


Akimbo - If you dream that you are standing with arms akimbo, it means that you let gossips enter into one ear and pass out of the other; to see a shadow standing akimbo in a dream means that you will feel scared for no reason at all.


Alarm Bell - Hearing an alarm bell in a dream means that you have a changeable plan.

Alarm Bell

Album - Seeing a closed album in a dream means that your application for a position will be rejected; if the album is open, whether or not there are pictures, it means that your misfortunes are now over.


Alcohol - Just seeing a bottle of alcohol lamp means that you will succumb to temptations; using alcohol in preserving specimens means sweet kisses that will remain long in your memory.

Alcohol Lamp

Alcohol Preservation

Ale - Drinking ale in a dream means unbroken engagements.


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