LGBT followers (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) go to school (NO) / Pengikut LGBT (lesbian, gay, biseksual, transgender) masuk sekolah (NO) (bilingual)


night steemit friends all, tonight I want to share information I get about LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender).
few days ago I've written a little about LGBT lifestyle
but today I was shocked to read one of the online papers saying there was LGBT's recruitment to students at school. who does not worry especially teachers and parents.
Our challenge (teacher) is not only to improve student achievement, but also to instill the students' social and spiritual values. our task is increasing.

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all teachers are very hot with this negative phenomenon that can lead to moral degradation. we must remember the LGBT phenomenon is widespread through the socialization agency that is the television media, the internet that many show feminine lifestyle or hermaphrodite (bencong) and even now that style already has a place in the hearts of the community indirectly, try to see the television show a lot of humor event / comedy with that style and we accept it indirectly. how many years ago in our school there were some students infected with this social disease. but now with a variety of handling in the conduct of homeroom teachers and teachers counseling guidance of the child has changed gradually.
let us save the nation's children from this moral degradation.



malam sahabat steemit semua, malam ini saya mau berbagi informasi yang saya dapatkan tentang LGBT (lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender).
beberapa hari lalu saya sudah menulis sedikit tentang gaya hidup LGBT
tapi hari ini saya merasa terkejut ketika membaca salah satu surat khabar online yang mengatakan ada pengrekutan LGBT kepada siswa di sekolah. siapa yang tidak khawatir khususnya guru dan orang tua.
Tantangan kita (guru) bukan hanya meningkatkan prestasi siswa, tetapi juga menanamkan nilai nilai sosial dan spiritual siswa. tugas kita semakin bertambah. seluruh guru sangat gerah dengan fenomena negatif ini yang bisa mengarah kepada degradasi moral.

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kita harus ingat fenomena LGBT ini tersebar luas melalui agen sosialisasi yaitu media televisi, internet yang banyak mempertontonkan gaya hidup feminim atau hermaphrodite (bencong) dan bahkan sekarang gaya tersebut sudah memiliki tempat di hati masyarakat secara tidak langsung, coba di lihat acara televisi banyak acara humor/komedi dengan gaya tersebut dan kita menerimanya secara tidak langsung. ada berapa tahun lalu di sekolah kami sempat ada beberapa siswa terjangkit dengan penyakit sosial ini. tapi sekarang dengan berbagai penanganan yang di lakukan guru wali kelas dan guru bimbingan konseling anak tersebut sudah berubah secara berangsur angsur.
mari kita selamatkan anak bangsa dari degradasi moral ini.

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