Summary: Breaking down different NOUNS

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Different parts of speech can be confusing and hard to learn, so let's break it down.

There are many different nouns to learn from and I hope that the below breakdown will help you understand and remember them better. The best way to grasp the idea of this is to practice identifying the characteristics and make sure you understand the definition of each noun. Let's have a look...

Abstract noun - we cannot see, touch or sense these nouns

Ideas, measurements, emotions and qualities are named by abstract nouns.
Examples: weight, percent, love, responsibility. 

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Concrete noun - we can see, touch or sense these nouns

Concrete nouns name people, places, animals, or things. 
Examples: John, cousin, beach, Chicago, Rodger Rabbit, dog, smoke, cold drink. 

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Proper noun - we can see, touch or sense these nouns

Identifies a particular person, animal, place, thing or idea. The first letter of each word of a proper noun is capitalised.
Examples: The Lions, Ellis Park and The Johnson Farm. 

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Common Noun - we can see, touch or sense these nouns

This noun does not name a particular person or thing, it refers to a whole class or type. Common nouns do not require capitalisation.
Examples: rugby team, park and farm. 

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Singular or plural noun - we can see, touch or sense these nouns

Most nouns are made plural with the addition of s or es. instructor - instructors / class - classes. Some nouns have irregular plural forms. man - men / woman - women / child - children / person - people. Some nouns have the same form in both singular and plural, for example moose, fish, deer, hair, grass, mud. 

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Collective noun - we can see, touch or sense these nouns

This noun names a collection or group of things. It is usually in singular form because its members act as one.
Examples: army, jury, police, family, group, team, crew and audience.

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