Teaching is a very noble profession where someone will gain knowledge from us so that he will be knowledgeable and will have a high social degree in society. Teaching is the process of transferring knowledge for whom does not has knowledge yet. Certainly in the process of teaching, a teacher will get various difficulties towards the achievement of teaching purpose, which is to educate students. Some of these factors are the teacher has not mastered the teaching method or has not mastered the classroom well, so the students are not enthusiastic in learning and not motivated with the teaching material.

Based on the above problems, then on this occasion the author will give some tricks to the teachers while they teach in the classroom, so that students become enthusiastic and motivated and interested in learning. The tricks are as follows:

1. Attractive Performance

Performance is a reflection of someone's self. People will easily judge us by our performance, the better of our performance the better people judge us. In this case, a teacher is required to have the best performance in front of his students with the aim of attracting students' attention in learning and keeping the cleaness and tidiness, so the situation of learning will make them comfortable. The best performence are not necessarily looks luxurious, but enough with simplicity. This has been proven by the authors during in teaching process, it proved that students prefer to study with teachers whose has best performance. Sometimes one or two of them will behave and perform like us. So this is very important in the teaching process.

2. Friendly and always keep smile

It's also a great magnet for students, they will be easily close to the teachers who are always keep smile and friendly with them. The nearness relation between teacher and student causes them to be happy and willing to learn with us. So that the teaching-learning process will run as expected. Therefore, a teacher must always show happiness in front of his students and accommodate all their aspirations.

3. Teach with the sincerity

The sincerity in work is the door of the success, because sincerity will erase all our tiredness. Likewise, in teaching, sincerity in teaching gives teachers the strength and passion to success the students, so students will be passionated and motivated with us. Because what we teach is a human who has feelings and hearts. When we teach the students with the heart (sincerity), then they will also learn with their heart (sincerity). A student's success depend on the teachers who teach them sincerity in learning and action.

4. Provide rewards for students

In the teaching-learning process, the teachers must also give some rewards to their students, it aims to appreciate the results that they received and as a form of our concern for them. We also give rewards to students who have not had good results in learning. The reward can be a gift or a motivation, applause and congratulations.

Finally, these are some of the tricks that writer has done while teaching and expected can be used as preparation for teachers in teaching so that students want to learn and be motivated, so that the purpose learning will be achieved easily.

This is my post for today, Thank you all for visiting my blog. I hope my article is useful to you all!
Best regards, @fataelrumy..

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