Leadership is a skill of solving problem with skill which will later be tag as presiding.
A leader is someone who is able,capable,available and responsible at all time to deliver his services.
The most essential attribute of a leader is the ability to develop skills which would be use to solve problem through selfless services. But some fact has made it visible that not all leaders have the skill to face difficulties.
One of the difficulties in building problem-solving skill is that these skills are typically best tested in a time of crises.The most difficult problem require that you use your problem-solving skill in haste.
As a result,the time when you perceive the need to improve your problem-solving skills is the worst time to learn them.Your focus,your energy in a time of crisis is on solving the problem,not improving problem-solving skills.
Problem solving requires requires speedy thinking and speed interferes with reflective-analysis of skills. There is a way to build problem-solving skills,but it requires an examination of what has been done. It requires an examination of the behaviour involved in solving past problems.
To solve problem,consider four factors.
Collect information/describe the problem.
Develop possible causes/decide on the most probably cause,
Develop possible solution/decide on the most probably cause,
Develop a plan for implementing the solution.
Always note that to be able to preside and lead forever,you must consider three factors which are PLANS,SOLUTION AND PEOPLE.
When plans are being formulated and solutions considered,you make the assumption that people can be made to accept and perform in a given away. Make a plan that will bring about solution that will open the heart of the masses.
There is also this solution where a military officer has to give a command that can lead to the death of several people. The fact actually is that the order comes from above,an authority higher than him,but the right fact remains that he has to make a choice.And whatever choice he makes is his.And in taking a decision in the face of this,he cannot help having a can't anguish.
All leaders as faced with this kind of anguish. It does not however,keep them away from acting,rather it is the condition of their action. They envisage a number of possibility and when they choose one. They realise that it has value only because it is chosen.
It is withing our choice to decide what is important. What we regard as an end. The means to it and invariably what value which tends to channel us to the world of seriousness is an act of bad faith. Anyone that tends to see duties mapped out for him,action challenging him to undertake absolute moral laws binding on all men alike,is denying man's responsibility is a kin to one giving oneself a role,a mission in life whereas in real fact one has none.
How to determine a leader is the power and wisdom to solve problem through self sacrificing.
For example, a wanderer was once encouraged to talk about his problems. In reply he said,"I don't have any problems. I expect nothing from life and when I get nothing,I'm not surprise."
To solve a problem always ask who caused it?
what caused it?where was it?
and when was it?
So beware of the purpose of being in a position that you must be able to solve problem and don't worry about the skill.[source] (https://templates.office.com/en-us/Hierarchy-diagram-TM10174325)


God bless all steemit community leaders
God bless me and you

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