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Teaching at an early stage of every child is not an easy task. It is the time when they have a little amount of focus but there are ways that we can do to help them love learning without the feeling of threatening them. My other way of spending my spare time is being a tutor and I want to share specially to parents the things that I considered to be an effective tool of educating the young ones.

I believed that we don’t need to be the smartest in order to influence the people around us. I am happy to serve the little children and be their guide to improve their knowledge. Those sore throats are all worth it whenever I see that my students are striving hard in their studies. I hope that you will find the following below as a useful means of teaching them.

Act as a good friend and not as a terror teacher.

One of the awkward moments is the first day of the meeting. It is where the child feels uncomfortable with you. The best way to catch his heart is greeting him with a smile and sound like you are not a strict person.

Start with asking the things that he did for today.

It’s not just about knowing literally the activities that he did, it will also help us to determine the condition of his mood. When I know that the child is really tired, I take it into consideration and just give him a light lesson.

Don’t just keep on talking, learn to listen as well.

It is normal for a child to interrupt in the middle of a discussion. Instead of stopping him, give him the freedom of expressing whatever is on his mind. By doing so, you are also showing him the value of respect.

Choose the thoughtful words to correct mistakes.

Instead of saying, “You did it wrong, I will show you the right method”, it will be nicer to say that “You are almost there, let me help you to fix it”. Never let him feel intimidated and humiliated.

Praise the child’s effort either for small or big actions.

Upon knowing that he is being appreciated, it will rise up his self-esteem. It will also encourage him to give his best and see that it is not the size that matters, but the determination that was given to it.

Every child differs in terms of strength and weaknesses so we must have the long patience to proper deal with it. We are only here to be their map and not as someone that will dictate their future. I will also be very happy if you can be able to share your thoughts about it that we can use for the betterment of a child's education.

"Instead of just giving them the answers, teach them how to find it."

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