how the process of making civet coffee (luwak). the most popular coffee in Indonesia

Civet coffee obtained from the coffee beans are sorted from civet droppings, wild animals like weasels. Coffee is popular because it has a unique taste. In contrast to the taste of regular coffee even though it is produced from the same tree. Luwak coffee production is still very limited. Do not be surprised if the price can be exorbitant.

source of civet images source

Coffee-luwak (civet) can be said coffee typical of Indonesia, although found also in the Philippines. Our nation has known it since the colonial government. The coffee planters were used to consuming civet coffee, because the garden gentlemen allowed the coolies to take fallen fruit for their own consumption. Including the coffee beans left by mongoose in their feces. This habit is believed to be the earliest known civet coffee.

There are two types of civet coffee, namely coffee from wild mongoose and mongoose mongoose. Wild civet coffee is obtained from civet droppings in the wild. Usually civet droppings are collected from the forests around the coffee plantation. Wild civet coffee is believed to have better quality than mongoose mongoose.

Coffee Luwak in captivity obtained by cultivating mongoose in the cage. Then the mongoose is fed coffee. The dirt is collected and the coffee beans contained therein are sorted to be further processed.

Animals mongoose
Civet is a carnivorous animal included in the civet tribe. The scientific name of civet is Paradoxurus hermaphroditus. These animals favor secondary forests adjacent to plantations and human settlements. Luwak is found to enter the settlement area.

Luwak has a habit of removing dirt in places that are often passed. The dirt he left behind usually still contains whole grains. Digestive mongoose too can digest the grain perfectly.

One of the grains that are often eaten mongoose is coffee fruit. Luwak is believed to only choose the best quality coffee fruit to eat. The fruit undergoes fermentation in the digestive tract. His skin was digested while the seeds remain intact and removed with feces.

Luwak coffee production
Along with the increasing market demand, Luwak civet coffee produced wildly more difficult to obtain. This encourages the business actors to cultivate the mongoose in particular to be taken coffee beans. They produce coffee with the following steps:

Selecting good quality coffee to give to mongoose. Then the fruit is washed and cleaned.
After that the coffee is given to the mongoose. This animal will still pick it again. Luwak has a keen sense of smell. He knows the best coffee fruit worth eating.

After that wait until the mongoose release feces or dirt. Taking feces is usually done in the morning.
Feces that contain coffee beans are collected and cleaned in running water. Then drying the beans dried in the sun to dry.

Coffee beans from civet droppings still have a layer of horns that must be processed further.
The coffee beans that have been washed and dried are processed further by the wet process.

For more details on how the processing process please read the processing of coffee source



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