How to Educate a Child Who Conducted the Community of Aceh Who Has Become a Culture for Generations.

In terms of educating a child in different parts of the world there are many differences such as in terms of culture.

In this post I will discuss how to educate a child who conducted the community of Aceh who has become a culture for generations.

_ is the oldest Malay nation that keeps the entire civilization of various Malay nations in Southeast Asia._

Aceh is also a region rich in cultures in which the culture has become the flesh of the blood in applying to everyday life by society.

One of the most unique cultures to notice is how to educate children from birth to adulthood.

The newborn child on his habit is played by the call to prayer by his father. Surely not with a loud tone.

[Image Source]

This is an Islamic teaching that has been used as a culture by the people of Aceh from ancient times.

Society considers, this culture needs to be done because the rate of calling a very good call to be heard to a baby from birth to be able to make the baby be a role model later.

Then, after the age of the baby reaches seven days old parents do haircut and give a good name for the baby. On the same day, the baby tasted sweet foods like honey and dates. As the hair shaving takes place, the baby's parents take their hair to weigh in order to be measured by the gold equivalent to be given to the poor.

Society mengangagap this will be a positive value that will strengthen the ropes of brotherhood among others.

When the baby is put to sleep in the swing, the father and mother sing the verses of the sacred verses of the Islamic religion in order to make the baby fall asleep.

Photo Original by : @boyasyie

In the habit of Acehnese people never put a baby apart from their parents. In contrast to the western culture that put their infant child to sleep independently.

this is merely an educational revelation that has become a culture for the people of Aceh. hopefully inspired.

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