Learning for maths olympics.

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Luan woke up and the first thing he could think of was how nice it is to have a friend so nearby. 

He has always loved his life it is just a little better now that he has a friend to talk to. He has always loved talking to his parents, but there are just some things you want to share with a friend rather than your parents. 

He jumped out of bed dressed for school and went down for breakfast. 

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His mother was there and smiling, because she saw how happy he was. After breakfast, and brushing his teeth waited for his friends and they all went to school together, talking about the mathematical Olympics that all the teachers spoke about. 

They had this wonderful competition about which class was going to win. It was good for them as they knew; they needed to know the basics before they will really understand their maths.  

Luan and Jared decided not to say that they were learning together and could not help giggling about it. That afternoon after school they could not wait to finish their homework and lunch so Luan’s mother could start teaching them. She laughed and said I am giving you each a table to learn. You will have half an hour and then I will start asking you questions on it. 

The one who puts his hand up first can answer. They went to Luan’s room and each sat on chair learning. 

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Half an hour later Luan’s mother said. Your time is up let’s see who know it the best. They laughed and pulled their chairs next to one another. Now remember no shouting out the answer put up your hand and I will see who is first. No problem they said and she started questioning them. You guys are to slow; I want the answers immediately without you thinking. You have to know them immediately. I am giving you another 15 minutes and I will be back with milk and cookies. 

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When she returned they drank their milk ate their cookies and Luan said seems cookies give you good brains because we both know the answers at the same time. Jared said for sure, maybe we should start with milk and cookies and laughed. 

You know it, now tomorrow we will do one more until we know them all then we will see who the best is. You can go and play a bit and have some fun you really worked hard today. 

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Later Jared’s father came past hooted and he knew he could come home. 

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Luan’s father was not far behind and told them how wonderful Jared’s father had organised the parking area. 

There were no more complaints and everything was running very well. 

He and Luan hit a few wind balls on the grass in front of the house so Luan could get some practice, and when they were called went in for dinner. During dinner Luan’s father asked him some of the multiplication tables and was very impressed with how well he knew them. 

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Luan it is hard to get through life without maths so please listen to your mother and learn as much as you can you will never be sorry. 

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Later they watched a bit of television then Luan went for his bath and they read to him, before he fell asleep. He was wondering what Jared and his father were doing but guessing nearly the same as all children go to bed early when it is school so they can be wide awake the next day. 

Hope you enjoyed my story and have a wonderful day from me.



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