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Today I am going to teach you a bit more about telescopes and  binoculars.   

Phoenicians  cooking on sand first discovered glass around 3500 BCE, but it took  another 5,000 years or so before glass was shaped into a lens to create  the first telescope.

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Hans Lippershey  of Holland is often credited with the invention sometime in the 16th  century. He almost certainly wasn’t the first to make one, but he was  the first to make the new device widely known. Did you know that glass  is made from sand? 

It was discover from melting lava onto sand and they used this to  make tips for their spears. It was hard enough to form tips and was well  used to kill as it could be made very sharp.


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It was only later that the Romans who knew the secret of making glass, and kept it a secret were dismantled and the rest of the world found  out how to make glass.  The Venetians made good use of their knowledge and made good use of  this knowledge and they were artistic as well. They were the first  people who made glass bottles and artistic things from glass.  

A major milestone in the history of glass occurred with the invention of lead crystal glass by George Ravenscroft. 

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What this meant was that the glass was softer and of better quality.  

Because of this invention it made life easier for people to make lenses  and this is where the original came from.  He could make optical lenses and this made it possible to start making telescopes and microscopes were invented.  

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Hans Lippershey  Is said to have made the first telescope that became widely known all  over the world. He was from Holland. When all these clever people like  Sir Isaac Newton and others that started using mirrors in their  telescope to make things a lot bigger than they were, it was time for  the binoculars to appear.  

Credit for the first real binocular telescope goes to J. P.  Lemiere who devised one in 1825. The modern prism binocular began with  Ignazio Porro's 1854 Italian patent for a prism erecting system.  

Binoculars are just to telescopes, one for each eye that are  put together and made smaller so that you can use them with your hands  and move around freely . Here is a video on how they make binoculars today.   

video courtesy of you tube.

If it were not for these very smart people we would not have been  able to see the stars and there would be no people who could go bird  watching.   

Thank you for reading my post. Have a wonderful day from me. 

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