Should put your child into a boarding school or not, that is the question. 

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It is not always an easy decision as there are people who live very far from schools, and it is difficult to get them there every day.

They are safe there and most boarding schools do not have bad food. 

Except maybe the one I was in. 

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I do not eat pasta and that seems to be a staple food in boarding schools. 

Yet I lived through it and had many friends. You had no time for yourself, as there was a homework period after lunch and then we all had to do some kind of activity. 

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I use to have ballet, and could get away a little from school as the ballet teacher lived a little distance from the school and I could walk outside and see all the houses. 

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I missed my parents very much, as you only see them every second weekend it was a rule. 

So boarding school for children can be an excellent idea. But it can also be a way of parents having more time for them if they wanted it. 

Not all children go to boarding school because they live far from school; some go so that the parents can get rid of them without feeling bad. 

I got back from ballet and we all had to go and shower for dinner, which was another nightmare to me as I love bathing and we all had to shower together, but that was life. 

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Then there were children who absolutely loved the boarding school. They loved all the friends and communication between us. But I would have gone for home schooling if it was available in those days. 

The home school only started long after I had left school and I can assure you it is one of the best things that happened. Children could stay with their parents on farms and enjoy life with the animals ,eat decent and have conversations with their parents, instead of just a short phone call. 

So one of the reasons I think home schooling is wonderful is that the children can stay with their parents and leave when it is time. 

Children grow up so fast and if they are away 80% of the time, can you imagine how quickly they grow up. So for me home schooling would have been wonderful and I would have known my parents a lot better although I looked after them until they passed away. 

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So parent’s think before you put your child into a boarding school, it is not always the only way to get them an education anymore. 

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Because of technology they can grow up at home and become wonderfully happy children.


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I am just giving my opinion so please this is something that has to be discussed at home with the parents, and the child.  Everyone is different and they might feel totally different about boarding school than I did. 

Have a wonderful day from me and enjoy your children.


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