Traditional educational methods no longer work...

You see Albert Einstein once said:

Everyone is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid.

Not only does traditional education make fish climb trees but it also makes them climb down, and then afterwards they make the fish run 10 miles.

I hope traditional education is happy with itself, it has made millions of unique and creative people into nothing more than programmed robots. If only I got the chance to take traditional education to the stand, for killing creativity and individuality.

Now give me the chance to prove to you why I say this:

Here is a car from 150 years ago:

Now here is a car from today:

Now you notice the difference right?

Well here is a classroom from today:

And here is a classroom from 150 years ago:

Literally in more than a century, nothing has changed.

What does that tell us:

-We were told that schooling is preparing us for the future but by the looks of things, they are preparing us for the past.
We are being trained to work in factories, that is probably why we are told when we can speak and why we are put in neat and straight rows.

But times have changed, we now need people can think:
and most importantly, we need people who think independently.

See everyone is different, and a scientist can prove to you that no brain is the exact same.
So why are we all taught in the same way? Why are we treated like the same person.

1 teacher stands in front of +/- 20 kids, all who have different needs, different strengths and different dreams yet we are taught the same things the same way.

And the way that they treat their staff is horrific, teachers have the most important job on the planet yet they are under paid? See teachers are often put to blame but they are in a system with little rights and little leverage.

Frederick J.Kelly the man who invented standardized testing once said:

"These tests are too crude to be used" and should be abandoned.

Us as students may only be 20% of the population but we are definitely 100% of the future.

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