Moving to a new house or area can be confusing but also exciting - Information for kids

You just found out that you are going to move out of your house and into a new one. It can be an exciting time, because  maybe you are moving into a bigger house, but still in the same area.  

It can be sad or confusing, because maybe you have to move since your parents are getting a divorce or moving to a new area or country, which means you will have to leave your house and your friends and school behind.

Moving can be exciting, but it can also make you sad or nervous....


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You can look forward to getting a new or bigger room and think how you are going to decorate you, but it can also cause you stress, since you do not know what to expect and if you will make new friend or be happy there.  Lets look at a few ways in which we can make moving easier.

Do not 'bottle it up'

Many thoughts will go through your mind.  You will feel different emotions and will not be sure what to do, but as most things in life, if you do not keep it all inside, and rather speak to you parents or somebody about it, it will make you feel better - tell them why you are afraid to move to another house or why you are not happy about and what scares you.  They will maybe not be able to solve some problems and you will still need to move and face a new school alone, but one always feel better if you have shared your feelings with somebody.

The truth is that it's always better to talk about your feelings, even if your parent seems to have a lot of his or her own worries. Your parent will be glad you shared your feelings — and so will you. 

Find out as much as you can

Once you know where you are moving to, you can go and 'investigate' a little.  If the house is not far from where you live now, you can go and have a look at the new house and your room and garden.  You can start planning so long where you will put what.  If you are moving to another state, county, region or country, you can find out more about the people and town.

If you need to move to a new school, you can go and visit the school before you start there and ask questions on things you want to know more on, like the types of sport, how many kids in a class, what clubs will you be able to join etc.

If you're moving far away to another part of the country, or even a different part of the world, you'll need to check things out in a different way. Try an Internet search to find out about your new town. You also can visit your library and check for books on that city or state. 

Some packing and time to say goodbye

This is the least exciting part about moving.  Packing all you stuff into boxes and getting rid of things you no longer use or do not have space for.

Plan properly what you will take with you and what will be donated or thrown away.  It is now a good time to 'clear the clutter' and only take the important stuff.  It is always nice to start fresh at a new place and if you sort your things out properly and pack it in boxes, you will have no problems finding it again.

Do not wait until the day before you need to move and then just throw everything in boxes.  It will take you so much longer on the other side when you have to unpack and find a place to put everything.  If your stuff is sorted and packed properly, it is easy to mark the boxes and then the unpacking will also go smoothly and without spending more time on finding stuff.

If you are moving away from your school and friend you will have to make time to say 'Good bye', you can organize a 'farewell' party before you leave.  Make sure you stay in contact with your friends, even if you do not see them on a daily basis anymore.

 If you have a camera or video camera, take lots of pictures or videos of your friends, your favorite places, and your neighborhood. You can even put together a scrapbook or shoe box full of things that remind you of your hometown and all your friends. 

If the day comes to move, you will feel a bit sad leaving everything behind, especially if you are moving far away.  It is okay to feel this, but you must also be open for a feeling of excitement and prepare yourself that even if the move and new school and new friends will be a challenge and will take time to settle in, you will be okay.

In the beginning you will miss your old house and friends a lot, but before you know it, you will be use to the new area, house and school and will carry on with your every day life.  Just make yourself open to a new adventure.

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