How to make sure you are a good leader - Tips for kids

You can be chosen to be a leader at your school or at your church or even one day at the job you will do.  Sometimes we do not get chosen but we can still be a good leader even if it is just among your friends.  

To have a badge or title that says you are a 'leader' does not mean you are automatically a good leader.  Some countries have leaders that are not good and they do not consider other people.

Lets have a look at the characteristics of a good leader.

A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common  goal.

It is so easy for people to talk about 'leadership' but a lot of people think that being a leader means you have to be the 'boss' and other people must just do what you say.  That is not true.

To be a good leader you have to set an example and give respect to others in the same way you would like to get it from others.  You will also have followers if you are a good leader and people will trust you.

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You must have 'integrity'.  That means you will do what you promise.  You are not only going to say what you think will make people happy, but you will also act on it.  You will tell the truth as far as possible and you will not change your mind after you have decided to do something.

You must be able to listen to other people and really hear what they are saying.  Even if people are saying bad things about you, still listen, because maybe there is something you can make better for them or help them with.  You need to be able to make the final decision, but it is a good idea to also listen to different inputs from others.

It is not enough to just listen to what others have to say, you also need to understand 'where they are coming from' and why they believe in something specifically and why they feel the way they do.  Try to place yourself in their position and think how you would have reacted.

If you are a good leader you will not make people feel bad about themselves but you will help them and lift them up and give them the courage to believe in themselves.

You need to have enough faith in the people around you that you can also trust them to do what you have asked them to do, but do not just tell them what to do, sometimes you need to show them.

You need to understand that to be a leader is not all about 'glamour' and people listening to you and do whatever you say, it is about 'leading' and setting a good example.

Be proud enough of yourself that you will be able to be proud of others to and help them when they need it.

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