
Before I start my story I would like to introduce someone to you all...

He is 11 years old. Blond hair, blue eyes...
He has the most trustworthy and loveable heart I have ever known.

While teaching at the private school the past two years, a little boy attended the same grade twice.
His mother had taken him out of his previous school because they had taught him how to swear and show terrible hand gestures. He ran extremely fast and could climb no, jump a 2 metre wall within seconds.

He has started attending the school the same time I had started teaching.
I did not know that by the time I decided to leave, his face would be the face that I would miss the most.

I am writing this article to share the story of Logan with you all today.

Logan has Down-syndrome.
He does not have a disease and he is not contagious.
He is incapable of hating someone and never has anyone given a hug better than he can.
When I look at Logan, I see a sweet little boy with to much love in him so he has no other option but to share it with everyone around him.

For those of you who don't know, Down Syndrome is when a child is born with 23 chromosomes instead of the usual 22.
And that's it. Nothing else to it. They are capable of anything that a person with 22 chromosome can do, think or say and there are many people whom have masters degrees and because of this I will forever teach anyone willing to tell me otherwise that you can do anything in this world and nothing will be made a barrier because I believe in you.

From Logan I have learnt many things, I am writing this with tears in my eyes for he still has a very special place in my heart. There was never a day that he could not make one feel better! And even on my worst days he would try and make it better just by sitting next to me or holding my hand.

Logan is Afrikaans but because the school was 90% English he had picked up on many English words, words that included "Mam", "Mine" and "Leave Ms Nikke alohn!'

When it comes to children my heart opens very easily, but my love towards this little guy is something that I a struggling to explain to you all. He has never hurt my (in anyway) neither has he spoken ill of anyone.
I had been the one to take him in and made him part of my class when the grade ones in his class had learnt to read and write.
I know that I am not suppose to feel sorry for anyone but I felt that sorrow and regret towards the situation. I wanted to fix it and help him complete his year and continue into the next year as a part of the new grade 2 class. Things did not work out that way and I requested him out in my class where I would work with him, one on one.

It had been troublesome, he sometimes had moods that were difficult to get out of him and I had to do a lot of persuading. Sometimes that did even work and I let him play outside on the monkey bars so that he was tiered enough to sit stil and work.
I had grown a lot while spending time with Logan. He had taught me so much, not just about students and schooling but about myself as well. Logan had the ability to be satisfied with a small blue pencil whereas the rest of us want bigger and better.

What I am thankful for is that fact that his parents try to raise him in the most natural environment imaginable, surrounded by everyday things and they don't treat him any different that the treat his younger brother. He is made equal.

Here he is with the treatment dogs. There were children that day that had never been close enough to a dog to even touch one and Logan had helped them and showed them that there is nothing to worry about. By the end of the day Logan had helped at least 4 children get over their fear of dogs by only showing kindness.

The last time I had seen or spend time with Logan was during a rugby match where my fiancé had played in. His family had come to support. I had not needed to ask or say a single word more than "Hallo Logi!" and in an instant his face lit up and he ran into my arms giving me the biggest bearhug ever! He spend the entire match with me, holding my hand and telling me about the game.

It is in moments like these that I make up memories and tuck them away forever.
The love that this little man shows anyone is unmissable. One cannot help but feel the love.

I also have to share with you all that Logan is extremely fast and although he is only 11 years old he had been selected to compete in the South African Athletic Championships this coming December where is will be eligible for his South African colours. Logan will take part in the 400 metre race as well as the 200 and 100 meter sprints. After jumping and running after him the first year, I have no doubt in my mind about him making a huge success of it.
Good luck Logi!

I am sure that I will write of Logan again someday and although I am no longer working at the school I have faith that I will see him again.

Jy is jufflou Nikke se sterretjie Logi!
(You are teacher Nikke's star Logi!)

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