But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. — Romans 8:9 (KJV)

God's desire for us in this end time is that we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. It's important for us to understand that being in the Spirit means death to self and the entanglement with Mr.flesh. So, it's not possible to be spiritual and carnal at the same time. Thus the only way to be free from carnality and the death thereof is to be a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Brethren, this is not a difficult thing cuz God's Spirit is ever ready to dwell in anyone that is willing to let Him come in. Do you have the Spirit of God in you? Does He direct your steps? Think about it! Are your decisions fueled by God's inspirations or the philosophies of this age? The flesh keeps in bondage of death ( separation from God) but the Spirit makes alive, Hallelujah! There's so much joy and peace when the Holy Spirit dwell in us. Please don't miss this experience. Today, make up your mind to allow the Spirit of God dwell in you. He'll guide, comfort, teach and strengthen you. He'll wipe away your ugly past and give you a new life. He'll cast away confusion and straighten your destiny. He'll raise a standard against your enemies. He'll calm your storms and give you peace.
If you must belong to Christ, you must be a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. There's no other way than this. Look at the finality of the statement in the scripture" Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his" . It's a scary thing to stay without the ministry of God's Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life today. Have you grieved the Holy Ghost and you are wondering why the fire of His presence is absent in your life? Repent and receive a fresh unction today. Remember, we can't belong to God without having His Spirit in us. Put out the works of the flesh, embrace the Holy Spirit now for it's time to live daily by Divine principles.

Let's pray. Dear Father, rekindle the fire of your Spirit in us today and cause us to be an eternal dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Grant us victory over the flesh through the power of your Spirit, in Jesus's name. Amen. Be in the Spirit.

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