Humor and life lesson

A dog swallowed a golden ring and the owner of the ring was confused and baffled so he decided to either poison the dog or give it a sleeping injection so as to remove his precious ring from it belly. After hours of serious thoughts he decided to contact a vet doctor

When the vet doctor arrived to carry out the task assigned to him, he found out there were 10 dogs owned by his client. After understudying the kennel of dog, he gave them a dog feed for test. The vet doctor noticed one of the dogs refused to eat and it was up and one sitting by itself away from the kennel. He gave the one sitting by itself the sleeping injection, was operated upon and that was the exact one that had swallowed the ring.

The overzealous owner of the ring asked: How did you know it was that dog??. His replied was
When fools get rich they don't mix with others

When God decides to answer your prayers, maintain your normal profile. Don't be proud carry your friends along


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