Doodle Contest #2: Funny Character

Hi There 😊

So here I am giving @coloringiship's Doodle Contest another shot. This time around the theme is Funny Characters. Yes, definitely harder than the flowers as I am not much of an artiste. But I am thinking "funny" still gives me some room. OK, so now that I've given you the heads up, here it comes....

The MuMMy
👉🏿She's not Black, She's not White
Her shades of Grey has all kinds of sides
She's the Disciplinarian, the Fun Manager
Cries buckets of tears, laughs at danger
👉🏿No mater what we do, she always knows
I think she has eyes right down to her toes
Always in a rush, always in a frazzle
But when she cleans up, she can dazzle
👉🏿Busy or not, she remembers our Homework
And if we are hooked on TV, she goes berserk
We never run out of clean towels and shirts
Lost for a rhyme here... please help think of one and insert
👉🏿She's always dusting, mopping and sweeping
Leave your stuff around, and you'll find it in the dustbin
Please don't play 20 questions first thing in the morning
Let her get her coffee or she starts nagging
👉🏿She says NO! when it comes to gadgets and gizmos
But she's always on steemit, getting her doze
If you look into her bag , it has all sorts of stuff
Plasters, and clippers, maybe even an iron, I do not bluff
👉🏿Don't ever be rude because she will seek
Rotan, Ladle, Hanger.... anything that makes us meek
She's always driving, like Uber.. well now only Grab
Don't forget to wear seatbelts, or she will get mad
👉🏿And through all that hullaballoo, chaos and cafaffle
She wears her red heels from her favourite label.

It was another one of those crazy weekends, and it was back to school on Monday. I think the pictures will show you my thought processes. I used colouring pencils to fill up the colours and I find them easiest to work with. I actually drew the face and the thought bubbles first and then the octopus hands. And then I had to write a little rhyme from a kid's point of view. Here's how the character developed 👇🏿
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Now to get my frazzles in check and get back on track. '

Til we meet again over text, pics and videos... Steem On!!

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