Mother Earth : Worth Saving For


Everybody has been disrupted with all the news and articles about floods, landslides, big waves, even tsunami warnings, earthquakes, forest fires and other forms of natural disturbances. These has been very devastating to all of us especially for those people who lost their properties and family members. With these calamities, one could even think if is this nature's way of expressing her anger, her pain, and disappointment to us people who supposed to be the vanguards of her abundance?


As God blessed man to be fruitful and fill the earth and rule over the fish in the sea, birds in the sky, and over every living creature that moves in the ground, we were then given the responsibility to protect and preserve any of His creations. But what happened nowadays was exactly the opposite. Pollutions are everywhere, smokes and fumes from factories, garbage thrown anywhere, burning forests due to illegal farming and endangered wildlife. All of these are one of the problem in our society. Is there a way out from this dilemma? Why can't we make some steps within our own surrounding? Proper disposal of our own garbage is a useful step that will help in eradicating these problems. We should be responsible enough. There were lots of ways to segregate our waste products instead of burning it especially the plastics. This burning habbit can add damage to our ozone layer causing global warming and so to our health and the people surrounds us.


It has been said that water is life, so why not maintain the purity of our water resources? Our sea has been the source of living for the majority of our fellowmen, thus, this has to be valued. Our fishermen must go with the natural way of fishing instead of using dynamite that would caused harm and destruction. Farmers should also do their part by giving value to the forest. Avoid illegal way of farming. Plant trees instead of cutting them illegally. They should preserve the health of the soil in such a way that it will produce its best crops. Let us give the wild animals have a safe home they deserved by protecting and preserving our forests.


Hazardous smokes and waste products coming from almost all factories can really harm one's health. Our government has the obligation to let operations of these factories be stopped. All must be given standards and environmental protocols they must follow before any operation.


Ways mentioned above were all simple yet very helpful. Indeed, everyone of us can really do our part with these ways. Let's just put in mind that we were just like boarders here on earth. He let us live here, providing us all we need through nature's abundance, therefore, it is then our part to protect and preserve everything we have. By doing so, we can pass all these treasure to the next generations. We must go hand in hand and do not let the time to come wherein our Mother Earth will just be pleading, begging help from us and if worst, She will just be in Her most cry for vengeance. We will not wait for that time, now is the perfect time.

images from Google

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