When the Other Side of Me Are Gone

A beautiful life handled by a wicked soul.

I suffered pain yet they don't see it. I experienced ruth, but they don't find it on my visage. I encountered problems but my heart smiled fakely. I know it's a beautiful life-- beautiful where in I should ENJOY myself to the fullest. But the chain rolled over my body-- it's like I'm in the dungeon. Calling out for help.

And in the dungeon, I cried night and day. No one helped me. NO ONE. Until I cried and kneel down before Him and said, "God. I surrender everything to you. Please show me the way. Please!" my tears are falling. Coldness struck in my place. I feel God's warm embrace. I feel and I knew it was Him.

Right now, the other side of me vanished. I thought life was messy but it's not. I thought life kept on chasing me, but it was not. I thought I have no way to get out but I was wrong. Piece by piece He collected me. The jigsaw puzzle of the wicked soul HAS BEEN SOLVED!


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