Road to 5K Steem

Do to some convince in my current living situation, I will be moving out end of 2018. My family and I will be moving out of New York City , the city of dreams and into New Jersey. Unfortunality we have no choice but to leave at this point We are planning on buying a house of our own for the first time in our life.

We have been living in the United States for 17 years and finally taking a step towards buying our own house. Rent in New York City is very expensive. My goal is go reach 5K steem itself which i can take our towards closer to moving. Currently I am standing at 3K steem and in need of 2 K more.


The beginning of my journey on this platform was easier, I began to accumulate steem much faster, and now it has slowed down drastically. I hope the price of steem will also rise by then so i will be able to help more.

Does anyone have advice on how I can accumulate 2K steem in about 4 months?

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