Cashew Cream -Happy New Year- Cake :D // Selamat Tahun Baru Teman :D

Raise your hands if you woke up with no hangover

....because you are parents to small children and you went to bed at 10 PM HAHAHAHAHAH

Happy New Year Steemians :)

For the first time last night the four of us stayed up til midnight. Usually my youngest would fall asleep already and never waited for the bell tolls, so we always celebrated the changing year around 10 PM lol But woo-wee, last night, full house all up :D

How did you celebrate the changing year?

Back in Indonesia we always grilled fish, chicken and corn. Back in Australia we would gather around the fire, not in our backyard but our neighbor's, and would have a drink and whatnot. In Canada, ever since we had the kids, we stay at home and be old couples :P Still fun, lots of sparklers and trumpets, and deaf lol My kids would blow them non-stop for hours, all day long until bell tolls at night hahaha

Anyhoo. Today I would like to share the recipe for this cake that we had last night, cashew cream cake.

Selamat Tahun Baru Temans!

Bakar-bakar ikan kah semalam? Atau ayam? Sate? Jagung? Pasti deh enak-enak :D

Setiap malah tahun baru, pingin deh ada di Indo, soalnya keluargaku selalu berkumpul dan bakar-bakar ayam serta ikan :D Kami selalu mengadakan pesta keluarga karena 2 sodara cewekku ultah tepat malam tahun baru. Kakakku ultahnya tanggal 1 Januari, sedangkan adikku yang bungsu lahir pas pergantian tahun, bertepatan lonceng berbunyi.

Cerita nyata nih. Badan adikku separuh keluar, separuh masih diperut, ketika tahun berganti, jadi dia punya 2 akte kelahiran :D

Semalam, seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kami merayakan pergantian tahun hanya dirumah, ber-empat doang.

Sudah pasti ada topi karton, trumpet kecil, dan tentunya kamipun makan-makan :D Tidak semeriah pesta keluargaku di Indo, habis hanya ber-4 wkwwk, tapi selalu bikin anak-anak senang, apalagi kalau boleh ber-gadang, tetap bangun, menunggu pergantian tahun, wadao, seneng banget deh anakku yang sulung hehehe

Semalam salah satu sajian di meja, yah ini dia, kue cokelat yang atasnya kusirah cokelat leleh, dan tengahnya kuberi krim kacang mede.


This cake is best served chilled by they way (overnight is best, if not and hour or 2 H) and instead uploading too many pics of the step-by-step how I made it, I recorded myself baking it instead, so please click the video below, okay? :D

Here is the recipe should you like to try as well. The cake is not too sweet, just perfect, so it was good to be served with sparkling wine as well :)

Before making, please chill a bowl for at least 30 minutes in the freezer

- 3/4 c roasted unsalted cashew, soaked 5 mins in hot boiling water, drain
- 1/2 c almond milk + 1/4 tsp agar2 powder, bring to boil, 2 mins


- Blender cashew with hot milk plus 1/4 c almond milk, 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tsp vanilla essence
- Pour into chilled bowl, chill for 2 H in the fridge or place in freezer for 30 mins

For chocolate flavor, add 3 tbsp sugar instead 1, plus 1 tbsp cocoa powder into the blender

Kue ini kudu didiamkan di kulkas terlebih dahulu sebelum disajikan, setidaknya setengah jam atau sejam, bahkan lebih enak lagi kalau semalaman.

Nih resepnya yah kalau mau coba buat :D Oia, aku bikin video lagi ketimbang upload foto langkah satu-satu, banyak bener, males hehe

Sebelum memulai, masukkan sebuah mangkuk ke freezer/lemari es, selama 30 menit

Krim Mede

- 3/4 kacang mede siap santap, tanpa garam ataupun perasa lainnya, rendam dalam air panas, 5 menit, saring dan buang airnya
- 1/2 gelas susu, didihkan dengan 1/4 sdt bubuk agar-agar

Cara Membuat

- Blender seluruh bahan dicampur dengan 1/4 gelas susu, 1 sdm gula pasir, serta 1 sd esens vanila, hingga lembut
- Tuang pada mangkuk dingin, masukkan kulkas 2 jam, atau masukkan ke lemari es 30 menit

Untuk buat krim rasa cokelat, tambahkan 3 sdm gula pasir serta 1 sdm cokelat bubuk sebelum diblender


Now let's make the cake :D


- Mix 2 1/2 c flour with 1 1/2 c sugar, 6, tbsp cocoa powder, 2 tsp bsoda, a pinch of himalayan salt
- Pour in 1/2 c oil, 2 tbsp vinegar, 2 c water, 1/2 tbsp vanilla
- Bake at preheated 350 F convection oven 25 mins
- Cool on rack, slice in half horizontally

Once the cakes are cooled, heat 1/4 c plus 1 tbsp almond milk for 1 min in micro, stir in 3/4 c df choc chips to melt. Spread this ganache on one cake, let harden, then slice into portions, set aside.

Take out the cream from the fridge, whip for 1 minute, spread on cake (I made two creams, one regular, the other is chocolate, I spread the chocolate first then the regular vanilla cream), top with the cake slices

Selagi menanti krim di kulkas, yuk buat kuenya :D

Kue Cokelat

- Campurkan 2 1/2 gelas terigu, 1 1/2 gelas gula pasir, serta 2 sdt soda kue dan sejumput garam
- Tuangkan 2 gelas air, serta 1/2 gelas minyak goreng, 2 sdm cuka makan, serta 1/2 sdm esens vanila, sduk rata
- Panggang kue di oven bersuhu 350 F yang sebelumnya sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu, 25 menit
- Dinginkan dirak kawat, belah menjadi 2

Kalau kue sudah dingin, panaskan 1/4 gelas dan 1 sdm susu, baik di microwave ataupun kompor, hingga mendidih (1 menit di microwave), lalu tuangkan ke 3/4 gelas cokelat keping/chips, aduk hingga meleleh. Tuangkan lelehan cokelat ini yang mulai mengental, ke atas salah satu kue. Potong-potong, sisihkan

Ambil krim dari kulkas, kocok sebentar, 1 menit, lalu ulaskan secara merata di kue lainnya

Beri atasnya potongan kue cokelat tadi, dinginkan setidaknya sejam atau semalam, sajikan :D


And here is the quicky video should you like to see the steps on how I made the cake, and cream, and ganache ;p

Ini nih videonya kalau mau lihat langkah-langkah lengkapnya :D Oke deh segini dulu yak!

Thanks for looking and may your 2019 off to a good start already :D

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