Coffee - A Lifelong Love Affair

"If coffee be the elixir of the gods, then we mortals must drink, and drink deeply" - Made Up Quote (still a good one).

This made up coffee quote personifies the life-long love affair I have enjoyed with coffee. It is an integral part of who I am and I love having it in my life. I can remember my father drinking coffee all day every day and it is probably from him that I developed my affinity for this fine roasted brew. He would literally drink 4-5 pots a day and he would drink a cup just before going to bed and sleep like a baby. It didn't matter if it was the dead of winter or the height of summer, my father inhaled the stuff as his drug of choice. He preferred regular old coffee with sugar and cream. I started drinking it as he does, but quickly outgrew his tastes and developed my own.

Learning to Love Coffee

coffee brew barista java coffee house
Image Source Pixabay

I don't remember the first time I tried coffee, but knowing my parents it was probably about the time I was learning to walk, because I do remember drinking sweet tea from a bottle. I began drinking it on an almost daily basis in the last part of my middle school years. As I said above, I followed in my father's footsteps when it came to coffee preparation but quickly developed a taste for darker and stronger brews than he would attempt. I drank it black for many years (my attempt at being a tough guy I guess) but returned to my roots of taking it with cream and sugar.

I quickly graduated to blended coffees such as lattes and breves and I continue to enjoy them almost as a dessert later in the day. Most days are started with a strong cup and I usually have 5-6 more throughout the day.

coffee barista java joe
Image Source Pixabay

I love everything about this mystical drink and I enjoy just about any variety originating from every corner of the earth. I am in love with coffee houses and I prefer a bit of a tattered bohemian feel to my shops as opposed to the sleek modern chain monsters. I like my coffee shops like I do my art, a little dirty and twisted. I have enjoyed many shops and my favorite ones offer poetry and acoustic music on a regular basis. These are my type of people indulging in my type of drink!

Do you have a special brew you like to indulge in? How do you take your coffee?

You may also like this Cream Cheese Pound Cake recipe!


Images Source Pixabay.

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