STEEMIT! Let's help an AMAZING photographer get a CAMERA!


There are many amazing people that have walked through my @steemitbloggers server doors - each unique with their own one of a kind brilliance. A few months ago, @wales joined our community with his own little bag of tricks! Not only is he an amazing photographer, but anyone who follows his blog will also know that he is gifted with the creative written word in a way which to be frank, I don't think you encounter more than once or twice in your life. He is truly the most magnificent enigma!


His passions are clear! A "Natural born photographer, writer and lover of the musical realm" As I, and the members of my community have gotten to know @wales - we have realised just how much it saddens him that he can no longer participate in something which he TRULY loves - PHOTOGRAPHY!

The UK government recently implemented "universal credit" which has essentially left @wales without an income - because they have removed all disabled people from their support line. At this point, he is essentially "bunking" with other people and has nothing more to his name than one suitcase and the "about to croak" laptop with which he makes his beautifully thought provoking daily posts here on Steemit.

He did NOT ask me to do this post - but as the founder of our community... I feel like I should at least TRY to change this situation for him! If there was EVER a deserving candidate - he is it! This amazing individual is a WELL established blogger and photographer outside of Steemit and has been for years! In fact - there is a high chance that many of you have actually used his images in your posts as he has an extensive GALLERY on Pixabay.



The camera in question is THIS ONE and it retails at approx. 1400 USD


@wales wanted to "power down" all the SP he has earned so far to try and go buy a camera! I REFUSE to let him DO THIS!!!!! He has worked SO hard to earn that SP - I really believe that we, as the community of Steemit - can "take the load off" for him and make his dreams come true!!!!!!

So peeps... PLEASE support him! ALL the funds generated from this post will be given to @wales for his Happy Snappy Purchase! Please RESTEEEEEEEEM!!!!

Thank you ALL!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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The @steemitbloggers is a discord community of individuals who are committed to producing content which adds value to the Steemit platform. We are STRONGLY focused on supporting our fellow members individual growth as well as offering support to those that are new to Steemit and still trying to get ahead. We are a CLOSE KNIT community of individuals, each with our own strengths, passions and input, yet ALL willing to go the extra mile for our family members... WHY? - because, simply put - we CARE about one another and MANY HANDS make light work! - THAT is what FAMILY is about! - To infinity and beyond...

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