Life Looping and the Honest...


I always find it interesting how, despite the fact that so many people shy from honesty and honest forthright advice in general, they will generally gravitate themselves to the people that are most likely to deliver it. A little like a double edged sword really… you know you need to hear it, but you are not sure if you want to. In many respects, a LOT like childhood. Children don’t normally want to engage in bath time, supper time or bedtime – yet take any one of those routines out of their lives for a given set of time and watch how quickly they ask after it. They not only NEED the routine, but WANT it. The same goes for discipline with kids, they may give you a look that would KILL after being scolded, but let me tell you one thing with absolutely NO uncertainty… it is the adults who were honest, upfront, firm and yet fair with a child that will hold the card of respect in that childs life as they get older.

Life Looping and the Honest...


The same can be said for those of us that are hard and fast deliverers. Not sure if you know what I mean, but I am definitely one of “those”. There are many instances where I will mind my own business and never bother, but if passion enters the arena then you will most definitely see a different “me”. I have very often been referred to as brutal or cold with the way in which I speak my mind, but the reality (for me at any rate) is that there is no sense in sugar coating ANYTHING! Just say it like it bloody is, because well, this essentially cuts the crap percentage down by like 90!

Whats the use people shut up, stroke your ego or lie to you time and time again?!!!?!!! What could YOU or THEM possibly achieve through this approach to living?! I will tell you…. NOTHING! That’s what! It is ENTIRELY counterproductive!!! And when the “truth” eventually DOES present itself, you have not only achieved nothing, but you also feel betrayed and deceived by those that you handed your trust to.

I am definitely a um, you have a booger in your nose kind of girl!

Sometimes, people don’t WANT to hear an outsiders objective observation,
but they often NEED to!

I got into a conversation earlier, about looping music with someone very close to my heart, and was mentioning the fact that sometimes when writing, I find that repetitive, somewhat “looping music” helps me to express. The vocalisation of this thought, got me thinking a little more about a few facets of this.

Like I said, sometimes, I will state my case straight away and other times, I will bite my tongue… but last night, on a certain front, I could no longer bite my tongue. I simply HAD to sever what was becoming toxic to me, in MY space. So the blunt and cold me came out to play, and after seeing what I saw transpire today…. I am SO glad that it did! Because it stopped a DEAD END TRAIN in its tracks! Made it re-evaluate and re-direct itself. It didn’t like the message delivered, but it was used constructively at the end of it all, and well…. That was the point.

Objective achieved!

Sometimes, we get stuck in our own little life “loops” which are somewhat LESS productive… and the people that shove us out of them are only doing us favours… whether we see it at the time or not ;)

and on that note, a track that I consider a positive loop ;) haha!


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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