who am i ?

I was born on ‎September 2, 1964, in Beirut, Lebanon.

At the age of 3, I watched my father leave. I attended four different high schools and struggled with dyslexia, making my education more challenging than it is for most. At the age of 23, my closest friend River Phoenix died of drug overdoses. In 1992, I met Jennifer Syme. We fell instantly in love and by 1999, Jennifer was pregnant with our daughter. Sadly, after eight months, our child was born stillborn. we were devastated by her death and it eventually ended our relation. 18 months later, Jennifer died in a car accident. My younger sister had leukemia. today she was cured, and I donated 70% of my gains from the movie Matrix to Hospitals that treat leukemia.
I am one of only Hollywood stars without a Mansion. I don't have any bodyguards and do not wear fancy clothes. I ride in the subway and I love it.

Friends the person mentioned in my last post was Colonel Sanders. Guess the name of the person mentioned in this post.

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