365 Days of Gratitude: Day 12 - Podcasts

When I was a kid, there was nothing I loved more than watching Just for Laughs. I've always been into standup comedy and there's nothing I enjoy more than watching comedians perform at the top of their game. There is nothing better in life than having someone make you laugh so hard involuntarily that you can't keep it together, splitting your sides with the kind of laughter that leaves you breathless. I love a good joke, ya know?

That's why I'm so pumped that basically everyone on earth has a podcast. I mean, I'm currently on two of them myself. But for me, there is no better way to unwind after a weird day than to have a drink and throw on a ridiculous podcast like 2 Bears 2 Cave while I'm washing dishes and laugh my ass off. I get shit done, I laugh, and I have a good time — it's the best. Then, and maybe even in the same evening, I'll listen to some of the world's most fascinating people talking about what inspires them in life and the conversation will be so captivating that I'll spend two hours listening and not even know it.

To put it another way, we're living in the best time in history for the variety and quality of content that you can consume on a daily basis. I think it's inspiring that anyone with a computer and a microphone can start a podcast and express their ideas to a potentially vast audience. And sure, there is a lot of shit out there, that's to be expected considering anyone can do it, but the thing I love is that no matter what you're into, there's a podcast out there for you and I think that's pretty fucking fantastic.

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