Blog 44: LETTING GO!

“The truth is, unless you let go unless you forgive yourself unless you forgive the situation unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward”

Letting go is one of the most difficult things on earth, it is a tough decision that a man could do, sometimes we are over thinking the things that we believe we could not handle, well in fact, letting go is just a matter of time and acceptance. Yes, it is really excruciating especially that your heart doesn’t want to let go but the situation just telling you to do so, The frantic attempt to hold on to the things limit us to do the things that will probably make us happy, makes us grow as a person and experience the world that life has to offer. We should accept the fact that change is the only constant thing in the world. Life is all about continuous change.

As time goes by and we are getting established and cultivate wiser, we realized what we need to hold on and that which we need to leave behind. Sometimes what we need to leave behind are the things that will actually lead to a deeper much pain in our lives.

Letting go is a process, it is not as easy as changing clothes, it takes time for you to be able to finally let go of things. Indeed, “There is no such thing as the perfect moment”, but we need to grasp the most favorable moments that are intended to happen to us, stop delaying the things that are inevitable to happen and stuck where you don’t belong.
Common, Let go of those negative things and the people around you, because if you do so, there you will realize that there are beautiful things awaits you in the happy zone =)

Thank you so much for reading!
Until my next blog steemians:)

Much Love and Respect,

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