Homo Sapiens

>Homo Sapiens<


Early humans of this type can be interpreted with intelligent humans. They are from the holozen era. They have a body shape that has resembled the human body shape of Indonesia in the present day. In those days, early humans of this type have had the structure of an organization and also the division of tasks. Based on the research, not only physical form, but also with their social life we ​​can review. And of course with the enactment of research intense and in the long term.

This ancient human homo sapiens type refers if humans are creatures that have an advantage over reason. By studying this ancient human homo sapiens type, our lives can all grow in experience and treasures with a particular product. And the characteristics of early humans of this type are:

  • Have brain volume is between 1000cc-1200cc
  • Has a height of about 130-210
  • The presence of a muscle in the nape
  • Teeth experience a shrinkage
  • The face is no longer protruding forward
  • Standing and also walking with the body upright
  • Has a jaw and bone of the jaw part is not too strong

With us reading the above specifications, therefore we can know that the ancient man type homo sapiens have used his mind. Although still in simple terms, but these early humans have had the characteristics of hunting. Not only in collecting foods like other types. This ancient human homo sapiens has also shown that the Indonesian nation has a great variety of cultures and races as well.

With the green theory of evolution in the present era, it appears that ape humans are a human kind but also different in race. It is the same with Asian, European and African races. Even fellow citizens from Asian countries also have a variety of cultures and many races. Here are the characteristics of the ancestral race of humans:

  • Mongoloid race, has a characteristic yellow-skinned, slanted-eyed, and straight-haired. The race is spread across East Asia, namely China, Korea, Japan, and also in Southeast Asia.
  • Caucasian race, is a race that has white, tall, straight haired, and sharp-nosed. The race is spread across Europe, some in northern India (ie the Aryan race), others to Jews (ie Semitic races), and others to Turkey, Arabia, and other parts of Western Asia.
  • Race Negroid, has the characteristics of black, curly hair, thick lips. The race is spread to * Australia (ie Aboriginal race), to Papua (the Papuan race which is the original inhabitant), and also to Africa.

So are the ten ancient human species that exist in Indonesia that still remain in the National Museum.

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