Working hard on steemit

Forget about the STEEM price or SBD price, @ned powering down and so on. Keep working hard, continue making those top notch posts, interact with other users. In my country, people will say

Double your hustle

Why? Well, STEEM is going to rise one day. I don't know when but it's surely going to rise. If you don't have the money to buy the dip, you know you can earn some tokens via author and curation rewards. Now is the time to accumulate those tokens in anticipation for the rise in STEEM price. You can then decide what you want to do with them, either to invest in the platform or sell. It's up to you.

Working hard without any motivation

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Since this article is related to the steemit platform, my examples are going to be related with the platform. The above sub-title is a question on many users lip. How do you want me to be motivated when the payout is not encouraging.

The title of this post says Working hard on steemit. This means

you continue to work when others have given up
you ignore Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt FUD
you forge ahead, weathering through this unpleasant period

If you are a regular user on steemit, you will agree with me that steemit has improved some aspect of ones life. I can lay claim to the fact that steemit has made me a better writer. In my quest to get amazing topics to write on, not only amazing but plagiarism free articles, I now read extensively and research more than ever.

What about interacting with other members on the platform. You meet new people, learn more about different cultures and ultimately learn new things. Take steemit like your normal social media platform and reap the rewards. Make friends now, so when STEEM price soars you can reap those rewards of friendship.

Working hard on Steemit

Different platforms have their own modus operandi. Working hard on steemit basically means doing the following

Quality and Plagiarism free content

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Why will steemit articles be unique when you can read the same article word for word off any website. You have to make sure your posts are of high quality. You don't just upload a random picture and write a couple of words.

Quality post starts with the post title to the tags

  • the title must convey your article true meanings. It should be eye-catching. This will enable users want to know what the post is all about. Eye catching, brief, and concise
  • The body/content of your article is of paramount importance to the post quality. Proper markdown formatting of the post. Checking with plagiarism checker sites like Edubirdie, proper grammar usage, proper referencing and proper picture formatting are key to the top quality post you wish for.
  • The tags must be right. Your first tag is the main tag and should be related to your post. Proper use of tags will complete the quest of having a great article.


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Imagine there is no interaction on steemit. You put your article then leave, everyone does the same thing. Where will the comments, upvotes, resteem come from. Interactions on steemit are basically via

  • Upvotes
  • Comments
  • Resteem
    However, interactions have been moved to other platforms such as, Discord, Whatsapp, Telegram and so on. You can join different communities on these platforms, interact with them while leaving quality comments on users posts. This will be appreciated and you will definitely get rewarded one way or the other.

The good side of it is, you are rewarded with STEEM now, coupled with the SBD and STEEMPOWER reward. Who doesn't like an extra token for your effort.

So I say Double your hustle in anticipation for STEEM moon

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