The body language and the secrets it reveals about man

Those who have not heard about body language, this distinctive art, which I have talked about a lot of psychological studies and revealed its importance in explaining the hidden human feelings and feelings within it, come with us to discover part of the secrets of the art of body language in humans.

First: the language of the eyes

أولئك الذين لم نسمع عن لغة الجسد، وهذا الفن المميز، التي تحدثت عن الكثير من الدراسات النفسية وكشف عن أهميتها في شرح المشاعر والمشاعر الإنسانية مخبأة داخله، وتأتي معنا لاكتشاف جزء من أسرار فن من لغة الجسد في البشر.

A person's view of the lower indicates his subordination or his feeling of fear and surrender.

The half-eye blinking indicates an attempt to understand and absorb.

Not looking at the other person's eye indicates weakness of personality and distrust.

Eyelash quickly indicates nervousness.

Direct consideration in the eye of the speaker shows great confidence in the self.

Looking to the right shows that a person is trying to remember something.

Looking upwards indicates that a person is thinking of something.

Second: Head movements

ثالثا: لغة اليدين أو الكتفين

Touching the ear during the talk indicates the frequency.

A slight tilt of the head indicates admiration and sincere love.

The tilting of the head dramatically indicates empathy.

Touching the nose signifies doubt, or does not accept the idea.

Bringing the chin forward in exaggerated amounts demonstrates the challenge.

Rubbing the chin indicates a person's attempt to make a decision.

Third: the language of the hands or shoulders

Put your hands on the shoulder of the person who ...

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