Why Steemit is dead.

Steemit, you'll probably know it ^^, this wonderful rich making platform.

Of those many users few are online and me myself have been offline quite some time now.

One reason is that many many posts here are about crypto currencies. There are pretty few people interested THAT MUCH into the topic, so newbies are scared off. People want to find other people sharing their interests. If there are 95% crypto news, where do I find my Anime and Tech communities???

Another point is that you seem to be paid for being here; and as a newbie, your payment is really bad… this frustrates at the start; this won't be an issue, if it weren't for the last, and very very important point:

THERE ARE NO NOTIFICATIONS! If you want to keep track of a conversation, it's all on you, you've to revisit that page or look for your most recent answers.
This overview for the most recent answers is waaaaay to far away to be comfortable, a whole three clicks!
Also it's hard to keep track of a whole conversion around a topic if it's split into multiple comments.

Because of that, it's way harder to make friends, harder to communicate - as a communication platform this will end deadly, if it won't be fixed.

Also a social network needs a mobile presence. Have you heard about the Steemit app maybe? I only know there is one, because I looked it up some minutes ago. There is way to few advertising for it.
If you've a thrilling conversation, you want to continue it on your way to work, maybe on the toilet in secret when being on a party, in your breaks. Steemit IS MISSING THIS!, ESPECIALLY because of the MISSING NOTIFICATIONS.

Besides that I haven't heard jet about communities, rooms for multiple people with similar interests on Steemit. I haven't heard you can create a group with your friends.

Please Steemit, become up to date, become a SOCIAL network!!!

I'm looking forward for your opinions on that topic :)
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