Quality And Engaging Comments: The Way To Go For Minnows


Helloo my fellowers. How are you all today. I want to quickly give you a tip that I believe you need to lunch into your next level.

Have you been reading posts of respected community members lately? How many engaging comments have you dropped in 24 hrs

Do not just read posts and leave. If you want to be noticed, drop a well articulated and engaging comment before you leave.

Everybody likes commendation

Yes I know that you already know this but you may not have been applying it in your interactions with other bloggers. When you are dropping comments, in the midst of your criticisms, find a place to also commend the owner of the post for a job welldone.

If all you say is all about criticism, you may not get the desired result because the owner of the post may read different meanings into it most of which will be antagonistic in nature.

Do not drop the same short comments around.

Dropping the same short comments around people's posts and or comments may get you a flag instead of an upvote! Confused? Well yes because many people will think that the post is a spam post and one person who is unforgiving may flag it as spam. Bots like @cheetah can equally find it and flag it.

Do not engage in unethical conducts

Do not ask for follow for follow or drop unsolicited link on comments you made on people's posts. A lot of people frown on this and majority of people view it as an unethical conduct in steemit. Engage the content owner through an articulate commentary and if he/she is attracted enough, he is likely going to add you or visit your blog to engage you back in comments.

Always utilize opportunities when they come

Yes. A lot of people meet opportunities here in steemit but let it slip off. That post that is about a subject matter you are an expert in is an opportunity to sell your brand and blog.

When you come across such post, cool down to understand and assimilate the context before you jump into commenting. In your comments, let it be that type that will uplift the poster and not belittle him before his audience. Be tactful and humane in your responses and you are likely going to win not only the poster but some of his audience to yourself.


Be a thorough blogger. Always edit and proof-read your posts before you drop them. Do well to edit if it does not meet your requirement.

Show love to people and don't expect it back. If it comes, enjoy it and if it does not come back, move on. Everyone must not think like you.

Have a great time ahead!!!

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