💸💲↗Why should I invest now, what will CRYPTO do for me?

"To buy in or not to buy in, that is the question!"

In the past year, I've been obsessed with everything CRYPTO. I'll admit, I was a bit skeptical at first. It took some serious convincing📈 and a tremendous amount of my own research📚, before I decided to get involved🔓!

As luck may have it, I work in the perfect place to be able to talk freely about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. I'm in the service industry, and I'm employed as a hair dresser. 💇I'm EXTREMELY blessed to be able to speak to all types of people from all walks of life👣, including those in the IT field. Obviously opinions varied from person to person, depending on their job title. Why is that, you think? I'm going to assume that the older generation is stuck in their ways, and it has brought them this far, so why would they need to change or conform? The answer....they DON'T NEED to, but they most definitely SHOULD!

👷Most people who own their own company or business, such as construction, roofing or anything involving manual labor, are not willing to even accept the idea that our current form of currency💸 may seize to exist in the future. Seeing as almost everything is digital📟, or at least headed there these days, I believe crypto will take over USD and FIAT all together! If that's the case, I don't want to be one of the last people to jump on this wagon, I want to be ahead of the game and I'm gonna get a headstart. 🏁

The more people I talk to about crypto and the more research I do📚, the more I'm convinced that this is the right move for me. With every passing day and every new client I meet, I am able to gain that much more knowledge about cryptocurrency and the Blockchain. If i'm willing to take to the time⏰ to learn the patterns📈📉 and research the coins, why wouldn't I INVEST and learn to TRADE, to earn my own crypto? I'd be a fool NOT to!😎

Lately, I've been talking to EVERYONE about Crypto, and just like I was, they were mostly skeptical when I asked them why they aren't already in on it. One of my clients, who is Vice President of a well known IT company all over this world, gave me this "Oh so obvious" answer. I asked him, "How would you convince your 11 year old to use his allowance to invest in crypto?" He thought about it for a minute and then said, "IT OBVIOUSLY WORKS AND IT'S BEEN PROVEN, JUST LOOK!" He bought into Bitcoin when is was two years old, thanks to the help of his brother in law. Since he was busy running his company, he hired a consultant to do the research and observe the patterns, so that he would know which coins will most likely be around for a while and would be smart to invest in. I don't know about you, but I believe in STEEM!! ♨


I've come to this conclusion, I'd be stupid NOT to invest at least $50. I am a firm believer in Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin, Steem, Weku or any potentially successful cryptocurrency, really. Once I was aware that I could generate my own currency, I WAS SOLD! STEEMIT🐟🐬🐳 was the very first platform/community I was informed of, so of course, I quickly signed up. You can check me out at https://steemit.com/@yoitsme , https://staging.busy.org/@yoitsme and now https://deals.weku.io/@yoitsme ! My Hope Is that I will become successful at blogging and also trading, once I learn how, of course!

Please feel free to join me on Discord's Steem School channel with @dobartim and @flysky https://discord.gg/5g6p7FJ ! 💻Even though it's mostly about steem and all that steemit has to offer, there is an endless amount of very useful knowledge and so many amazing people willing to help, that no matter what, you'll be thankful you listened and joined our group!


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