6 Things Wrong With Steemit.

I have been on steemit for a little more than a week now. I really love the community overall; on other social media sites nowadays all you can see is people hating on each other people and fighting one another only because they come from a different country, race, religion or even because of their political difference.

That is not the case with steemit, people are literally very cooperative and helping regardless of their background. Nonetheless, this post as you can guess from the title is about some things that I think are wrong with steemit website; I have also been reading on the topic for over a day now, and this is my input.

I have also added the tag esteem if you look at my tags, that is because, I actually love esteem for what it is, and if esteem could also look into these things, that would be great! Now, if you don't know what esteem is, you can read about it here; long story short, it is just like steemit created by @good-karma, but it is for smartphones.

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Now, moving forward to things that I think should be improved on steemit(and esteem).

1. Search Filters

An issue that I think should be worked with is the search functionality, which, is the only thing about steemit that I could say, absolutely sucks. The site uses the google search that in my opinion, just using google dork, outputs all of the posts that contains the keyword that we searched for on the site.

Which is A LOT of posts, and posts from every tag, so it is pretty much useless unless you decide to go through every post on steemit which contains the keyword that you searched for.

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The site should have its own search functionality with filters, i.e search filters, tags, users, posts, etc(a function that is actually available in esteem, but if esteem had the function to advanced filter the posts, like posts that are shared in defined tag or by a particular user) that would just make the system much more user friendly and better.

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2. Hide Reputation

Now, I have not read this anywhere and I think this is something that I came up with originally(I hope so, I don't like being basic)?

I am not suggesting to remove the reputation system completely, no way, that would only make the system shittier, what I am suggesting is that, in our feed/trending/new/hot, etc categories, the reputation number from the front of authors name should be hidden.

Although their reputation should be transparent and available to all on their personal blog.

The point in doing this is that, people a lot of time just skip posts from authors with lower reputation, and they upvote posts from authors with high reputation without even reading them at all.

What this would do is that, it would increase the chances of posts to be seen from authors who have just joined steemit, and are still struggling to get followers or upvotes.

The reputation system should still go on on background, the posts from authors who have been on steemit for quite some time and still have low reputation because of they plagiarize, spam, or create crappy content that gets flagged a lot should be hid or low chances of visibility to increase the quality of the website.

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3. The Reward System

I read a post by @deserttree, and I think that made great sense and is an issue that should be fixed.

I am not gonna write the issue as I think @deserttree addressed the issue in a much better way and I would just be plagiarizing his work. So here is the link to his post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@deserttree/what-is-wrong-with-you-steemit-rewads-system
make sure you give it a read.

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Now, these were 3 things that I think should change on the steemit website to make it better, but I've got more complaints from the steem community.

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1. Upvote Bots

I've seen this issue being addressed by many steemians, and it is one of the most crucial problems in my opinion.

People are using upvote bots to vote high reputed authors, there is nothing wrong with upvoting high reputed authors at all, they should receive a lot of votes, as they are usually the authors who have dedicated A LOT of their time on steemit, and they should be rewarded for that.

Now, I don't really care who you vote for, be it a whale, a dolphin, a minnow, or a slug, as long as you are reading their post and actually like it, but by just auto upvoting, you are recommending that content to receive the reward from the daily reward pool of steem, killing the chances for other authors who are also working hard for their content to get their fair share.

By auto upvoting them just because they are earn more money than others is killing the whole idea of steemit; we are supposed to upvote content that we like, not just because they are from authors who have high reputation; what this does is that, the same authors go on trending every day, every week, diminishing the chances of other also deserving authors to go into trending or earning more money. This can get authors demotivated and just leave steemit.

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2. Plagiarism

Plagiarism isn't limited to only copy-pasting someone's work or just stealing their videos or articles. The uploading of copyrighted images that you find from google images is plagiarism as well.

If you are copying someone's image or photograph, you should at least provide a "courtesy of" tag to the image to indicate that it's not your original work, but is indeed taken from somewhere else.

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3. Tag Spamming

Please do not tag spam, do not tag your post in a category where it does not belong. Now, I understand sometimes you have a hard time deciding which category your post actually belongs in, I know I do.

So, at most just tag the category that is nearest to your post category. That does not mean that you should put your post in category cryptocurrency, if the title is "how to do your make-up" because... why would you that? really?

What tag spamming really does is that it will post your post in a category where it does not belong, hiding posts that actually do belong there. So, you are basically stealing someone's right to earn, as they get less visibility.

Yes, this might get you more visibility but if someone sees your post in a category where it does not belong, they are bound to flag your post which will also decrease your reputation. So, do everyone a favor, and don't tag spam, please.

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So, this were few things that I think should be fixed on steemit, other than that, I really love steemit. I am pretty sure I am addicted to it already and am not leaving anytime soon, no matter if I earn or not.

All gifs are taken from giphy

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