Creating a Living Income from STEEMIT?! Let's Look at some of the Possibilities to the "HOW" This can Become a Living Physical Reality


Living the Good Life off of Steemit Participation sounds Most Triumphant. Sound the Trumpets! This is indeed a Dream Vocation. Playing around and working things out here, Let's make a list of How this Can actually Manifest:

How To Create a Living Income from STEEM, STEEM POWER and STEEM DOLLARS

  • Networking - There is Great Power in Numbers. Working and playing together is the best Approach. Developing relationships here in ways that are awesome. Connecting with people who are interested in the things you are interested in is a way in which community can support community. Everyone boost each other up. Group Support is a powerful thing indeed. Strength is indeed in Numbers.

  • Investment - Multiple factors Here: Putting in Time now to develop the Writing Craft, Explore the Platform, Play around with presentation styles of sharing Information - Blogging, Vlogging, Commenting, Memes, GIF's. Over time one because a bit of an 'expert' in these areas of communication, and thus is more effective in sharing quality content. Money- putting skin in the Game. There's definite opportunity here to start making regular STEEM purchases...and powering up the STEEM as a sort of Investment. Can put in $10.00 worth of bitcoin a week or maybe more...or maybe less. If there is a Will, there is a way. Investing into the platform by Buying STEEM is a powerful statement...and in a way, every time you purchase STEEM you are supporting the creation of your Dream Life.

  • Consistency - Keep at this indefinitely. To really see results, there's got to be a Long Term Commitment, otherwise the potential is somewhat squandered from what it could be. Consistency is like muscle building...we get stronger the more we work and play in fine-tuning our craft. Look at any great athlete...and you can see that it's their 'love of the game' that really pushes them to achieving such a stature/level of greatness within their particular craft.

  • Passion - Caring to Share what we love, without any Reservations. In fact, being Stoked....Grateful to share what we Got to Give. This is a powerful way of Living. "Live to Give...and Give what you Got that is Great"

  • World NEWS - Independent Journalism/Reporting is the indefinite future here. There's indeed a low level of confidence for the quote on quote, "mainstream media" outlets. Opportunity existent here for anyone and everyone to Investigate/report the results of our Recording's.

  • Trading - Opportunity exists here to take a portion of steemit earning's and diversify crypto profile. Lots of opportunity here. The space is in the beginning stages of hyperinflation, and it's still very adopter stage...the whole world is going crypto and it's a many years of movement process. That being said, Opportunity exists to say "sell some steem dollars on one of the crypto exchanges for bitcoin...and buy a new cryptocurrency and play it for a 10x price pump." 10x price pump in traditional world of finance sounds crazy...but in the new and exciting world of crypto, the saying is: "To the Moon!". Point being: Anyone is capable and able to start earning STEEM for free...and from modest beginning's one can earn some more crypto trading...and can build up over time. Hey, could end up becoming a crypto trader expert for your immediate friends and family. Though please recognize it is not a good idea to guarantee anyone any sort of return...and you's probably best to just not manage anyone's crypto but your own.

  • Education - This is the future of Education. It really is. Education is always best when it's open source peer to peer. When access to information is readily available for anyone and everyone, The Standard level of education is most optimized. Traditional Business's (cough/cough), I mean Colleges and Universities are a racket that is slowly dying. This in my opinion will be a slow death as their is a lot of "scholarly prestige" driving these 'debt pits'. Opportunity exists here on steemit to enhance the quality of our existing level of intelligence and to actually participate here as both "Teachers and Students", Always both. Creative collaboration potential here has an extreme level of "wow factor".

  • Politics - It's easier than ever to get involved with the politics of steemit. It's a simple matter of self-inclusion. Become an authority in supporting the best potential development of the platform. First Step...start using the platform and figuring things out by playing around. It is a simple matter of Participation. Participation is Key. We are all here top support one another. We are incentivized to do so. :) World Politics - This is a sort of next level game changer potential i see here. The platform setup supports inclusion. Meaning it is easier than ever for people all over the world to be part of the same 'important narratives'. It is much more difficult for any country/nation to suppress the voice of the people. Steemit is a stage...for the World?!

  • New Applications - Steemit is like the first app for the STEEM blockchain...and a seemingly infinite number of applications can be built to create new streams of value for the best benefit of participants here.

  • New Markets - This is a point of development. New markets that are connected directly to steem, steem dollars and steem power. The possibilities are literally endless. What kind of markets would you like to participate and or create in relationship to steemit?

If You happened to check out my post, Write a comment and contribute to the Narrative here...anything added to the conversation here is of the best benefit to everyone.

The Dream is LIve,
We Have Golden Tickets

steemit power up.png

This post is inspired by @exlye Could I live off the Steem Blockchain

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