Steemit is a Fucked Up Capitalism

Off my normal topic of travel, but I just read about @minnowbooster, upvote bidding, and selling votes for cash.

What the fuck?

Isn't this place about rewarding creativity, decent work, and actual content? Maybe I am totally fucking off-base and am too idealistic about the future of Internet, blockchain, and society.

If all I see in my feed is paid-for content, than what the fuck is the difference between Steemit and Facebook?

Alright. I get it. People want to make money. People want digital fame. Yet they don't want to put in the actual fucking work of creating something, of putting their brains out in the world. Maybe we're all a bit terrified nobody actually finds us interesting. Maybe we all want to get rich quick without putting out our most vulnerable aspects for everyone to judge.

Too fucking bad.
Here- I'll give you a little vulnerability. I'm 30. I've worked in kitchens my whole life. I own no property and have no kids. I drink too much. Yet I'm proud of what I've accomplished, I'm excited about knowing a little more about food every day. I know that if I work hard at being a good person that it won't matter what I owned or who I could buy or sell, it matters that people will think of me as a genuine person.


Yeah, that's me. Skinny weird white dude acting like a kid. Sometimes annoying asshole, sometimes loving friend, always me.

And I won't use this platform to get rich. I hope for people to read my content, and I really hope they enjoy it, but I won't ever fucking buy my way to the front page.

Why? Because if these posts matter, y'all will vote without me having to force it down your throats.

End rant. Thanks for reading.

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