Having Trouble Flying

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I don't dream that much these days, but I can definitely remember some from when I was much younger. I can recount several dreams I've had where I found that I had the power to fly.

Drone footage by @giftedgaia.

Have you ever dreamed you can fly, then somewhere along in the dream you lose the power to do it so you fight like hell to get it back just before waking up? I remember doing anything I could to get it going again, like kicking my legs and flailing my arms as if swimming in a pool. A time or two, for just a second, it would work and "swimming" would take me about 5 or 6 feet in the air....but I knew it was puttering out, I knew it wouldn't last. This is usually the thought that made me realize I was dreaming and I'd wake up.

Well, when HF19 was implemented 2 weeks ago, motivation to post struck me hard and held on tight, like this sloth on this cat...

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...and then - in true W.W. fashion - almost just as quickly as it arrived, after about 2 weeks it seems to have begun sputtering out. Now I'm kicking my legs and flailing my arms to try to keep flying.

I'm having trouble coming up with ideas to post now, for some reason. The vlogs are pretty easy, but those take so much time out of my day just to put together, when I could be posting other stuff and keeping up my pace. I've been wanting to get the good camera gear out and take some high-quality, artfully-minded and wall-worthy photos to post, but I haven't been able to carve out the time to go anywhere with it beyond my own back yard. And when I look through my archives to find things to share, most of what I find are photos that are kid-related. Not that that's bad, but I highly doubt you guys want to see photos of my kid playing in the backyard (there's that backyard problem again)....in fact, I'm pretty sure you already have.

This thing gets creepy when the batteries get low.

The last time I made a post like this, wondering whether or not I was out of ideas, was just the thing to suddenly flood myself with them. EVERYTHING was a Steemit post! So, I'm kind of hoping it works again this time.

Keep following me and let's see what kind of dumpster fire I come up with. LOL ;-)

In the meantime, I think I'll spend more time reading and commenting.

Source of first image.

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