How To Lose 3k Worth Of Steem! Gutted

Hello poeple.

In the last nine days since the new send box updates, there has been 5 people that have fallen trap to sending steem so @block instead of @blocktrades.

Me being the second one of them. Not quite to sure if what happend but being in steem for over a year this time it was differant. And yeah I fell short of my double checking and lost nealy 3k.

What makes it even worse is I can see my Steem in his account and this hasn't been used in well over a year. 🤔

If I could simply get an email address to send the guy an email this may help in the aid of a return of at least some of the steem.

I don't mind the dude taking some steem to help in the return as a good gesture.

I have sent steem, multiple messages, via email, Twitter, FB and not one reply as if yet.

Surely there must be something can do to help in the return? As they can see 5 people have now done this with the reference memo for @block trades.



Is there any replies from any support in this case. Any help would be gladly appreciated @ned @dan ??


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