The day I decided to take a break from SteemIt.

Once last winter I decided to take a break from SteemIt.  As I was letting SteemIt interrupt my sleep.  I decided I needed to take a break, and then re-engage when I was able to shake my frustration.   I took a really long break and wanted to share what that time was like for me.

Here is my diary entry from that day in January...

Diary Entries:

6:30 - Wake up and get my coffee going, short work-out prior to turning on computer.  Remind myself why I am taking a break from SteemIt.  How much free time I will have, how much more energy I can put into my own business and not worry about SteemIt.  Feel happy about the future.

7:00  - Make a breakfast smoothy and think about yesterday's post on SteemIt.  Out of habit, I begin to think about what I might post on SteemIt today.  Remind myself again, I am taking a break.  Feeling Optimistic.

7:30 am - Just a little peek to see what's new, a quick view of the home, new, hot, trending, promoted, and active tabs.  Oh, I saw a couple of posts I had to vote on and one which required a comment.  I will just check in on chat and listen to SteemSpeak for a few minutes, just to hear if anything exciting is going on.

8:00 am - Close my SteemIt, browser, open some real work and get busy.  

8:30 am - Fight off my urge to look at SteemIt, but I checked the price.  No major changes, so, get back to work.

9:00 am - Attend a boring conference call for a work project and when the topic goes outside of my knowledge area. I end up looking at SteemIt.

10:00 am - Had a long conversation with a friend and end up bringing up SteemIt, and then I show him the platform quickly, with a warning of the beta, bots, politics, etc.  End up walking him through some of my posts, and some of my favorite posts, and help him sign up.

10:30 am - Okay re-commit to staying off SteemIt for the rest of the day.

12:00 pm - Okay, lunch time, make a sandwich, take the dogs for a walk, admire the beautiful snow.  Shoot, I only have a cell-phone camera, but I snatch a quick picture of the snow blowing across the field, and consider posting it on SteemIt.  Oops, yeah, I am taking a break.

12:30 pm - Fix the chicken water heater, and haul water and food out to the various animals and pens.  Consider several stories for SteemIt, once we have more diversity.  Remind myself I am taking a break.

1 pm - Sit back down at desk, just a quick glance.

2 pm - Oh, time to get off SteemIt and get back to work on this billable project I am fiddling with.  

5 pm - My husband gets home, so I launch into a conversation about why I am taking some time off of SteemIt.  We discuss it briefly, ... for 2 hours.

7 pm - Eat dinner while considering why I never do any food posts on SteemIt.  

8 pm - Clean kitchen and re-evaluate my SteemIt vacation.

9 pm - Check in on SteemIt, and "listen in" to SteemSpeak.

10 pm - Decide, I don't need a break from SteemIt.

11 pm - Officially break my hiatus from SteemIt.  Feeling Optimistic.

My name is @whatsup and I am addicted. 

*parts of this post first appeared on SteemIt. Jan 2017

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