Posts That Rocked SteemIt.

If you've been around SteemIt for long enough you have probably seen that occasionally a post happens that people talk about for weeks, or even forever.  Most of us try to put out engaging content, however once in a while a Steemian creates something so epic it goes down in SteemIt History.

Here are a few of the posts that I consider to be Historic Steem Posts.

The Make Up Tutorial that rocked the world!

This post originated in the early days and it's epicness had a lot to do with the rewards as "The First Make-Up Tutorial" was mostly talked about due to it's massive rewards.   $31,543.06.  

You read that right this pretty gal managed to nab a $31,543.06 with a well done and fun video.  Some loved it and of course the envy factor was in full play even back then.  Some were mad about the drain on the reward pool, while others didn't feel a "Pretty Girl" should be able to earn so much.  :)  The video sparked much conversation and several other posts! 

 Including this fun parody from rolandp 

To this day you can bring up the "Make Up Post" and most people will know what you are talking about.

The next post on my list was famous not only for the amount of money that it made, but also because of WHO made it and what he did with it.

The Dollar Vigilante's Introduction post ruffled more feathers than Jerry Banfiend's new account creating idea.

By Introduction posts the post was pretty average, but when the post received $15,967.63 That got people talking, but it wasn't all about the money.   Jeff isn't everyone's cup of tea and he used that post to advertise which some felt was bad for a number of reasons.  He took that post and created an advertising campaign for his site and SteemIt that many found offensive.  Reasons I remember hearing:  He bring the wrong crowd, he is a scammer, he made us look like a get rich scheme.  There has always been opinions on SteemIt about who we should try to attract and how.  :)

The last post, I want to share today, had more to do with steem drama and fun than anything else, the recording of a fyrstikken rant edited and posted by @berniesanders  This one should be listened to in a kid free zone!  :)

The entertainment value of a good Fyrstikken rant is off the charts!  Also, this was also fun when many Steemians enjoyed Fyrst's rant. Since then I think that Bernie and Fyrst have developed a friend if  not sometimes tense truce.  After all they are both "Bigger than Life" whales on SteemIt.  Not everyone is going to like all that they do.  

I will be doing at least one more of these posts in the next couple of days, hoping invoking some memories in Long Term Steemians, and sharing some of our history with those who have joined us more recently.

Any posts that you would like to see in future versions of this, please put them in the comments, let's talk about them.


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