Crypto for beginners: What you need to know!

Well I have started investing in the Crypto world and I have made a few discoveries that I wanted to share with you like I promised. Today I have 2 lessons all newbies to crypto investing should follow.

Lesson #1 pick a place to buy bitcoin and do your research for best rates and only invest what you can afford to lose.

I have tried two so far Coinbase and Coinsquare and would recommend both of them

Lesson #2 pick a method of storing (wallet) your bitcoin

I am still trying a few options (Bittrex Wallet, Coinsquare, Coinbase and Abra (iOS app) JAXX (iOS app)

After these 2 lessons you are officially invested in Bitcoin the base unit for trading in most crypto exchanges. If you do nothing else then at least you should have once investment by all accounts should increase in exponentially over the next few years.

I know you are scared ... I was too.... but If you are looking for some inspiration then this should do it. This video provides proof of the potential for growth and profit in the crypto markets. I was inspired because the story told was that of an average man with a dream. I can relate to being both average and dreaming of bettering my families situation. I think we all can.


Future lessons to follow as I continue to explore crypto and learn. I will share resources and strategies that help and reveal mistakes that I have made to hopefully help you avoid making them too.


Images: Pixabay
Video: youtube

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