What Q&A v1.0.2 - Updates & Fixes, Android Release Date, Possible Rebrand

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What Q&A v1.0.2 Update

  • Show vote percentage settings on holding vote
  • Removed upvote slider prompt in settings
  • Fixed copying URL from swipe feed
  • Stay on question screen after adding an answer
  • Fixed some markdown elements

Android Release

All that requires is testing on newer android devices and once that's done we'll be ready to release the Android version.

Our Thoughts

Based on the feedback received, we believe we've done a good job in creating a stable version that has the fundamental features of a Q&A app. We've also received constructive feedback from @fknmayhem who pointed out the inconsistencies regarding the name of the app and the account.

Huge thanks to all supporters!



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Email - contact@what-app.io
Discord - @shango

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