Creating A Successful Steemit Posting Strategy

We all want to be successful on Steemit and post good content, but do you have a strategy to make sure that happens? In this blog I will walk you thought the five steps of creating your own content strategy and how to make it successful.

Step 1.  What Are You Going To Write About?

First you have to decide what you are going to write about. If you are brand new, you should spend a couple of weeks trying out different content on different subjects and see what resonates best with the Steemit community. Try and figure out at least two different topics that you feel comfortable with and that has resonated with other Steemonians.

Step 2. How Often Can You Write?

Now that you know what you want to write, let's figure out how often you can do it. Posting once a day is the bare minimum. I think if you really want to grow on Steemit, two or three blogs a day are not out of the question. In my personal content strategy, I try to post four a day, but that is just me.

Step 3. When To Post Your Blogs?

Now you know what to write and how often you want to do it, no we figure out the time that you want to post.  You want to try and be consistent. For example, I try to post a poem each day around midnight. I post helpful Steemit articles like this during the day and then in the evening I post something different.  Find the times that work for you in your schedule and then try to post during those times each day.

Step 4. Don't Forget The Tags

One of the most important things you can do to make sure your posts are seen is by using the correct tags. If you are writing content that all uses the same tags, you are going to really want to space out your blogs so they don't compete with each other for views. If you write on varied topics, make sure you don't repeat tags. For example the tags on this post will be completely different from the ones on my poetry posts. By doing this I am reaching new people across 10 different tags and have the ability to be "hot" or "trending" in multiple tags. It also means that I can post two different pieces within an hour of each other and they won't compete with each other for views. They are reaching two completely different audiences. 

Step 5. Do You Have Time To Reply

When making your posting strategy you want to make sure you leave yourself enough time to respond and engage with people that reply to your blog. You don't want to just write something and post it, then go to work for the day. It happens sometimes, but you want to try to avoid it. Give yourself some time, maybe 30 minutes to be available to reply to people when they post on your blog. I try to do this, and it helps increase the engagement. I can't always do it, but I try to factor in that time whenever I'm creating my posting strategy.

FINAL ADVICE - Stick to your posting schedule for at least a month and then go back and see if you are seeing vote and comment growth, and pick the top performers and see what you did differently with those. Then replicate it and modify your schedule for the next month. Keep testing new things while providing consistent content and you will be able to really define your own success here on Steemit.

(all gifs from

I hope this helps. If it did, please feel free to share and to comment below with any feedback. Thank you.

To my followers, you are the comforter to my nap... you got me covered. Love you all!

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