3 Ways You Can Make Up Losses In Your Wallet When STEEM Is At A $1.00

It is tough to look at our wallets and see the value down by over 50%, but there are ways we can make up for the losses. 

You are still getting the same amount of SP and SBD, but the value is down. Now is the time to do one or a couple of these things to get paid more because we can't control the price of STEEM but we can control how hard we work to get it.

1. Blog More

This one is simple, just put more content up. If you were making $10 a post and posting twice a day, you have to post four times a day at $5 each to make the same daily total. That doesn't mean you go out and post about crap, you have to put in the work and make good content. 

If you can double up, then do it. If you are already posting 3-4 posts a day. Go for 5 a day or whatever is right for you. Just find a way to blog more consistently. If you took the weekends off, you can make up some ground there. 

If you put in the work now, when the value does come back you will have accumulated a lot more SP and will a dramatic change in your Steemit net worth.

2. Comment More

If you are not making what you once were, then get out an comment more. You can make good money commenting and adding value to other people's posts. If your value is slipping a little then go and make it up by engaging with some of the larger fish in the site.

If you comment more you will also get the attention of a lot more people and it will help the votes on your blog too... if you do it consistently.

3. Promote More

We can all help the site by spreading the word and eventually help the value of STEEM, but what I am talking about is telling people about your blog. Posting your best stuff on the Steemit groups on Facebook. Sharing on Twitter and Reddit. 

There is a lot you can do to promote your work off of Steemit. Here is an amazing blog by @cryptoctopus about what he is doing to increase his SEO and get more attention. Steemit SEO Casestudy Part 3 - More Profile Links & Bookmarks

The thing is, if you put in the work now, it will really pay off when the value goes back up which I believe it will. I believe in Steemit and think we all have a great opportunity. Just don't lose focus when the value is down.

What do you plan to do to make up for some of the losses in your wallet's value? Let me know in the comments below.

To my followers, you are the crypto in my wallet, you make me worth more!

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