đź“ŚReady for take-off to next level of success ...(Original wildlife photograph and thoughts)

Hop on to this platform people...

flexing wings.png

“Don't use social media to impress people. Use it to impact people” – Dave Wills

When I think of social media, my skin no longer crawls. This is a recent change that happened in the last 6 months. As I have repeatedly said in the past, social media used to mean to me - an endless bombardment of useless updates about people and things that I didn't give a rat's tiny excrement hole about! Everywhere I looked though, the F@c3books, You#u63$ and others media monsters had taken over our lives. A funny graphic that I came across here speaks volumes about the triviality and futility of interaction on all those other social media platforms...

In the jungle of such dense social interactions that choked any real interaction for a worthy cause (with some few notable exceptions), people seemed to only be focused about showcasing themselves to the world and not bothered at all about trying to make a difference.

Then along came Steemit...

From the word go, Steemit seemed to be a platform with a difference. Not just because it was a block chain based social media platform that had the brilliant concept of rewarding good content through votes that actually meant something in money terms. To my mind, the very fact that good content was to be evaluated by peers, voted upon and paid for created a highly intellectual and cooperative society which attracted many talented individuals within it's Beta phase itself.

This does not mean that Steemit does not have it's fare share of idiots (perhaps this writer included!! LOL). However, I would estimate that the advent and infestation of such idiots is far lower on Steemit that any other social media platform. By the very fact that good content only gets rewarded in the Steemit ecosystem, untalented individuals who are only up to mischief or general tom foolery get weeded out eventually by their own Karma ( they lose interest!)

All that is very good people say - but how does the success of the concept get measured. What is the point in toiling and earning vote tokens, the SBDs, if they are of very low value and do not appreciate over time? Well - we can tell all those nay-sayers to wait and watch. The rise of SBD has begun.

As I watched this cormorant sit on a dead tree and flex it's wings, ready to take off, I could not help but draw a parallel to Steemit. Please take a look at this lovely picture I took with Nikon P900 camera in the fall of 2015,

Growing communities, several projects that will impact humanity in a positive way, charged up atmosphere after Steemfest 2 and the growing interest in the platform have started pushing the demand for SBD higher. In just over 3-4 days, the SBD has gone from 1.2 USD to 3.2 USD and rising!!

(Image source)

Which other platform can demonstrate so effectively that it can reward good content creators? Steemit account values are on the path to double overnight, figuratively speaking. That shows the direction, doesn't it? Added to this, what I love about Steemit is the fact that the developers still treat this as a Beta stage project and are constantly working behind the scenes to implement various improvements and on developing various add-ons to make the Steem ecosystem even more exciting and user friendly. Just look at the coingecko rating of 89% on the developer activity!!

Of course, I know that true blue Steemians do not care about the money. The care more about making a difference. Like I do about spreading awareness about wildlife and nature, for instance. However, the growth of SBD is a shining beacon that advertises to the world that Steemit is real, Steemit is here to stay and Steemit is growing to be THE social media platform of future!

In Conclusion:

Catch the Steemit express - make a difference to the world through what you express!

Steemians, please comment freely to share your experiences, knowledge and views about Steemit as compared to other social media platforms. Please share freely what makes you successful in life and on Steemit. It will help in creating many new Steemians..... Thanks.

Note: All images except for the wildlife photos and the title image created by me are from pixabay.com.

Gif crafted by the Legendary @stellabelle for me

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