"Game of Throngs: Disinter Shortcoming!" Comedy Open Mic Round #37

Check Fallen Angels' Yield Spread...

(Parody Experiment, inspired by a song and this)

Upvote, Curate...
Does Steem Power compensate Yield Rate?
All Whales know
Best Bots with profit flow,
When to Sell or Hold.
'Cause I've been told
Bot-Curation lets them win ten-fold.
So when I try to Earn my bread,
While STEEM is not yet dead,
I'm careful where I tread —
Stake "Fallen Angels" instead...

And let Sky fall - I'll show my rejection
of any hasty action
in this Game of Throng.
Curation Toll —
However it may slake me,
I know it won't make me
to sell my heart and soul.
Luck won't flake me...
till "Fallen Angels" embed.

Week after week
STEEM rewards keep flow in steady streak.
I book a bot
to increase return on each Upvote.
As my wallet grows,
My ROI getting close —
My Love isn't dead
for "Fallen Angels" Yield Spread.

Rewards though small from Manual Curation —
I learn Content Creation,
such skill will last lifelong.
Space-time wormhole
however it may shake me,
I know will never make me
become forsaken thrall.
My fate will take me
to "Fallen Angels' Homestead".

Fallen Angel statue in Madrid

"Steem is an Experiment designed to address challenges in the Cryptocurrency and Social Media industries by combining the best aspects of both..." (Whitepaper)

What is a Junk Bond?
What is a High Yield Bond?
What are Fallen Angel Bonds?
Junk Bonds: Not Worth the Risk

Fallen Angel fountain  in Madrid

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

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