Engage with People through Manual Curation

Contribution to SteemIt Community:
real posts reading, active commenting,
sincere humane upvoting of Good Content

There is a lot of discussions going on about quality of Content, automatic upvotes / "votes farming" (or selling / buying), about reasons why many who upvote "Manually" (i.e. personally, not through scripts / bots) are "content indifferent".


I've seen such quite a few, read many of them, commented on some as well as expressed my opinion occasionally. Earlier I've written about my idea of how I can contribute to this SteemIt Community: "Engaging with people"!

Help to get the message across, participate in discussions occurring in comments after other sincere people posts. Also trying to do that "finding undervalued Steemians", give them some support, upvotes...

That's basically what constitutes "Manual Curation" as it was named quite a while ago. Now this phrase is not so trendy in Search results, although some people still emphasize it in their posts, comments and even on their profiles.


Here are few posts I've found with some quotes:

Why Manual Curation is much Better?

Manual Curation vs Automatic Curation

Some advantages of manual curation: ... {please read it there}

I would add to that: it is also the best or even only way to discover many other interesting people, apart from the Author of that post, who comments on those posts, which we can decide to Follow and browse their blogs too. In that way, we can get to know many more new people and befriend them, thus expand our "Curation base" further. In fact people who use Auto-upvoting bots miss this whole advantage of Manual Curation: because they do not open those posts they auto-upvote (or get upvoted by bot on their behalf) and can't possibly SEE all those people who participates in discussion that follow!


more recent: Introducing DLine: A Manual Curation System

DLine is ... about getting their work appreciated and read/viewed by individuals ...
Instead of getting zero readership, they will see support from individuals who read their post...

Therefore I've decided to make it into sort of regular routine: write and blog my own thoughts on the post I've found interesting and wanted to comment on. Because sometimes while writing reply / comment on others' posts text becomes a bit too lengthy and don't want to sort of "hijack" someone else's thread or discussion with such a big pieces.
Another reason is: it allows to reflect on my own contribution to this Community in the form of Manual Curation. I mean, being low on SP / RC / VP I can't do much comparing to some other people, neither "Delegate" nor sponsor anyone else's Delegation Projects (in fact I myself have been kindly sponsored recently). However what is within my abilities is to "Engage with People" in practical and traditional way: actually read their posts, evaluate their Content fairly AFTER actually reading that only (unlike those who never even open posts they "auto-upvote"), if possible (time and RCs allow) add to discussion my own comments, Re-steem some stuff which I think really worth it and finally write my own thoughts on some most interesting matters found in my "Curation Digest" (sort of "Reader Digest")

That way I believe I can Contribute to the SteemIt Community personally, with my efforts to actually TRULY "Engage with People" through direct communication, participation, reciprocation...

Otherwise, as in that song:

Where's the Love y'all? I don't, I don't know
Where's the Truth y'all? I don't know
What happened to the Love and the values of humanity?
What happened to the Love and the fairness and equality?
Instead of spreading Love we're spreading animosity
Lack of understanding leading us away from unity

Please get ENGAGED in discussion:
write comments, upvote, share / resteem

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